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Florence Welch Does Vogue UK January 2012

It sorrows me to say that although I highly appreciate Florence Welch, this cover is a huge disappointment. It has that Farrah Fawcett air you just can’t get away from (doesn’t it)?

In short: Florence Welch does Vogue UK January 2012, photographed by Mario Testino and highly praised, as the cover mentions “The Florence phenomenon”. Good for her – she’s very talented and the music she makes is really special. The inside pictorial is surprisingly ethereal for someone like Florence who always looked like someone very tellurian and well… rock solid (I mean that not in a bad way but in reference to the solid state and hardly moldable, floating nature of a rock). The colors they used, the poses and the outfits blew me away! I couldn’t have suspected such transparent sensibility from Florence. Could you? – hit the jump to see where my surprise comes from! (click the picture for larger view)

Florence Welch Vogue UK January 2012 cover

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Kate Moss Covers Vogue Paris December 2011 January 2012

It’s been a while since I haven’t seen Kate Moss on a magazine cover! Especially a Vogue Paris cover! So here she is, in all her mimic splendor, doing her best Bowie impersonation for the December 2011 January 2012 issue of VP as photographed by Mert and Marcus.

You should also notice that this is the music issue. So why isn’t there a musician on the cover, you’d ask? Because we have Kate wonder – Moss who is married to a musician and who is also flirting with music herself, singing here and there at her husband’s venues. Anyhow, I admit I liked her impersonation of David Bowie, even if many voices raised against it.

What you need to know, if this cover is pushing you towards the newsstand: don’t expect a Kate Moss pictorial inside – there isn’t any! (click through to discover Vogue Paris’ inside surprise!)

Kate Moss Vogue Paris December 2011 January 2012 cover Bowie

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Karlie Kloss’s Grown Up Amazing Body In Vogue Italy December 2011

What a way to wrap a Vogue year! Vogue Italia December 2011 is pushing a body issue. No, scratch that! Is pushing a Karlie Kloss body issue with an extra strength mention, wrapped as a gift!

We knew Karlie was amazing before, but now… she really outdone herself. So did Franca Sozzanni, whose Vogue continues to lead the fashmagazines pack with its originality and uncomfortable approach. Franca, thank you! Karlie, thank you! Steven Meisel, thank you! This is how I want all my Vogues to be like! Hit the jump to see more Karlie Kloss body splendor (or click here for the gallery!)

Karlie Kloss Vogue Italy December 2011 cover

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Sarah Burton Talks Alexander McQueen, The Royal Wedding In Vogue UK December 2011

There’s a little surprise I discovered in the last issue of Vogue UK. Determined to not judge the entire issue by its circus-y cover (which is dramatically different from the previous years December covers I loved so much), I looked further, trying to find reasons to want / own this issue.

And here’s what I discovered: under the title People to Celebrate, Sarah Burton talks about the house of Alexander McQueen, about the Royal Wedding. People talk about Sarah. It’s a rare gem and I loved every pixel of it (you can too as I included the largest part of the article in the gallery)! (the other three people to celebrate were Jennifer Egan, Jessica Ennis and James Corden. All of them amazing and really brilliant at what they do.) Oh, and what I suspected was right all along – in one of the official photos from the Royal Wedding, with Kate entering Westminster Abbey, there was this woman who rushed to arrange the wedding dress train – yes, yes, yes! That was Sarah Burton! – you can watch Sarah taking care of the wedding dress after the jump – at appx 2:31 along.

Sarah Burton in Vogue UK

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Gisele Bundchen’s Vogue UK December 2011

Ladies and gentlemen! Although you may be highly tempted to label this as the new fall circus in town, Gisele Bundchen’s Vogue UK December 2011 seems to be highly praised.

Aside from being photographed by Mario Testino and possessing such a heavenly blessed body, Gisele Bundchen’s new Vogue pictorial is pretty much a heavy colored mess. In my perspective. The lack of expression, the self assumed pride and crushing obvious ego overload fail to make me hit the like (virtual) button for this Vogue UK issue. Am I taking things too lightly? Did I miss something here? I know it’s a December issue so maybe I should taking it lightly on the colorful, electric side of the story. Should I?)

Gisele Bundchen Vogue UK December 2011 cover

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Rosie Huntington Whiteley Takes Her Clothes Off For Vogue Germany November 2011

Talking about Carine Roitfeld the other day reminded me of her fashion ways. Which were pretty strange, I admit, but really haunting. Carine used the models bodies as her Vogue signature style. Spice that with some cigarettes and you have the complete picture of what Roitfeld did for Vogue.

Ever since she left VP, I keep seeing her stereotypes throughout various editions of Vogue (let’s keep an eye out for that, like we do for the bob cut?). The latest which came to my attention is Vogue Germany, the November 2011 issue. With Rosie Huntington Whiteley on the cover, Vogue Deutsch manages a smooth, yet completely unwanted transition to a GQ –ish approach of fashion (you can discover it after the jump, in the gallery) with a little help from Alexi Lubomirski.

Rosie Huntington Whiteley Vogue Germany November 2011 covers

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Voguepedia Vs Vogue Encyclo

When Voguepedia was launched, I was like “um.. yeah, sure, it’s nice” but wasn’t swept off of my feet. With Vogue Encyclo, it’s an entirely different story!

Although based on the same concepts, Voguepedia and Vogue Encyclo are as different as black and white. The first was launched under Vogue US and the second under Vogue Italy. You can expect anything from Franca Sozzani but following in someone else’s footsteps. Franca has an entirely new vision of what a fashion tell-all website should be! And it’s way more democratically conceived, thus it will become way more popular than Voguepedia. Wait and see! Vogue Encyclo is who what when how in fashion, only wrote by you. By any of you! And moderated by them. Naturally.

Which style suits you better – the Voguepedia imposed fashion dictionary or the Vogue Encyclo, a webocratic approach of anything, everything fashion? I’ll go for the latter, eyes closed!

Voguepedia vs Vogue Encyclo


Can Someone Please Stop Anna Dello Russo’s Dancing?

I feel like this is going on for too long! Anna Dello Russo having yet another dancing video is like approving that cats made the internet and watching yet another omnomnom shortie. It’s lovely, fun, but too much!

The last thing I want is to turn Anna dello Russo’s flamboyant, candid enthusiasm to ashes, but I so wish she could get her act together here and there (plus she seems to have such odd taste in music). People will be under the impression that Vogue’s staff (especially the editors at large like Anna here and Hamish) are just rejected show(wo)men. Is this the case? Anna dello Russo also wanted a slice of the X Factor?