Daphne Guinness Book Available. Ode To Anorexia

Undoubtedly one of the strongest fashion figures today, Daphne Guinness has her own book. A book to honor her extravagant style and unique fashion choices but also her special relationship with the Fashion Designers (with her bank accounts, I would imagine the Designers only feel real friendship and true love for the heiress).

However, earlier this week, a catchy phrase from Daphne Guinness started to make the rounds of the interwebs: “I’ll eat when I’m dead”. This is what she said! The rumor, if true, is based on actual events which place Daphne Guinness at a photo shoot; when offered lunch, she stated the above, without blinking. Let’s hope that there are will be no such ideas written on paper too… (for those of you who are interested, the book is available for preorder here)

Daphne Guinness book

Fall Is Here. How To Wear Your Scarf

I often declared myself as a hair accessories person. Outside of that, when the cold weather comes, I turn into a convinced scarves person. Because you can always turn your chic on with just a simple scarf!

Scarves, much like anything else in fashion, can be worn so many ways it can make your head spin! (I get dizzy each time I try to dig into the hairstyling secrets and this is no different) I always based my scarf – wearing on instinct and mood of the day. However, this amazing video tutorial puts a scientific spin on my scarf wearing days. 25 ways to wear a scarf? Come on! I barely could’ve recognized 5 or 7. How about you?

Kate Hudson’s Missoni Bugaboo Stroller

It would appear the Missoni Bugaboo Stroller is the new must have stroller for your celebrity baby! After seeing Rachel Zoe’s, it’s now time to admire Kate Hudson out for a baby walk with her fiancé, Matt Bellamy and (ta-daaaam!) the Missoni Bugaboo Stroller!

Little baby boy Bingham Hawn Bellamy looks like a truly fashionable lil’ fellow with his parents opting for this beautiful designer pram. If it were up to you, would you choose form over function or function of form when buying a baby stroller? (oh, and do you think Kate Hudson’s was bought for the occasion, or received as an ad – gift?)

Kate Hudson Missoni Bugaboo stroller

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Pregnant Wardrobe Must: The Skinny Mom Jeans

When you’re pregnant, two completely opposite feelings run through your fashion veins. At least when it came to my pregnancies… You’re overwhelmed with joy because of the obvious blessing that is being with child, completely embracing the new shape of your body and whatever changes it may imply. On the other side, you want to be reminded of your before-the-pregnancy body / self. You want to feel less bloated and less balloon-ish.

Thus two wardrobe attitudes ensue: in the first case, the embracing wardrobe, is mostly about showing off your belly and your new curves. Bold cleavages, flowly tent dresses or tunics. Enfin, you catch my drift. On the other side, you want to hold on to those skinny jeans, you want to still be able to wear the same clothes you were wearing before you were pregnant. Because, after all, it’s still you, right?

Well, hunz, Brooklyn ladies lead the latter wardrobe pack! According to the latest news (provided by Madison Rose, a maternity re-sale boutique), it would appear that pregnant ladies want those pregnant mom skinny jeans! Because they’re so worth it! Do you think skinny jeans and pregnancy make good fashion match?

Skinny Jeans For Pregnant Women

Franca Sozzani Vs. Fashionistas

I can’t help but wonder now, if the world’s fashpeople absolutely need someone to aim all their critics at, just because. And if that someone is editor in chief of any Vogue magazine, all the best!

Since Carine Roitfeld has left the French Vogue, Anna Wintour was the only one leading the Vogue pack, alone in this invisible, cold fashion war. Whatever, whoever she puts on her Vogue’s cover, there will always be fashpeople who’ll feel betrayed, disappointed. Fashpeople, behold! There comes Franca Sozzani! The editor in chief of Vogue Italy comes to Anna’s rescue (not that she needed any backing, but hey, fashpower girls have to stay united!) and keeps the press busy, busy busy with her beliefs and declarations. I love her! If anything, she’s almost as longstanding managing Vogue as Anna, also above the trends by following a unique, personal and highly recognizable style. And, most importantly, she likes raising pulses with her magazine!

If you ask me, I think she’s a genius. At least as far as leading a Vogue magazine can imply. Fully aware that she is and will always be quoted, that this particular phrase will be picked up and turned round, Franca Sozzani went ahead with launching another war and said: (just to be clear, here’s what you was “officially” described as a fashionista by Wikipedia and the Urban dictionary)

Sometimes I say I think elegance is very boring, or I hate fashionistas. […] It’s not that I wake up and say, “I hate fashionistas.” But I do hate fashionistas.

Franca Sozanni Vogue Italy

Raquel Zimmermann’s YSL Fall Winter 2011 2012 Quick Changing Campaign

We live in fast times, it’s more than obvious! Stefano Pilati thought it would be a nice way to highlight that (maybe?) in Yves Saint Laurent’s Fall Winter 2011 2012 Ad Campaign.

Raquel Zimmerman is starring in the video ad campaign and she’s showcasing no less than 14 looks in a very short time (close to 40 seconds). It’s a nice attitude, although head spinning, but it makes you want for more, doesn’t it? More time and more clothes. Clever campaign authored by Inez van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin.

Dare To Wear Nicki Minaj’s Pink Chicken Wing Necklace?

Just because Lady Gaga previously worn a meat dress and got away with it (somewhat) doesn’t mean we’ll all get our best meaty pieces out and about. Does it?

Nicki Minaj, who is also known for her effervescent approach of stage wear has been performing at the IHeartRadio Fest alongside the likes of Sting, Carrie Underwood, Jennifer Lopez and, biensur, Lady Gaga. Nicki’s normally pop – acid outfit was accessorized with pink rubber wellies and a pink Chicken Wing Necklace. How should we take this? Was this a message I wasn’t aware of? Please weigh in! (more images 1, 2)

Nicki Minaj performing with chicken wing necklace

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Lara Stone’s Times T Style Magazine Fall 2011. Lara Stone’s Best Pictures Yet

If you thought that Vogue Paris sans Carine Roitfeld would be the end of Lara Stone’s merciless ruling over all fashion world and all fashion magazines, you were so, so wrong! Not only Lara Stone’s kingdom never lost an inch of magazine page or bit of internet publication, but she’s proving again, with a lot of coverage, that she owns the Fall 2011 season!

Lara Stone is the cover girl (and by that I don’t mean that she only holds the cover, but also a cover story inside, plus some of the most beautiful pictures I’ve ever seen of Lara Stone) of The New York Times T Style Magazine Fall 2011. She’s the little Dutch girl, as they say, and she’s talking about being Dutch too! (you can check out the story here) Click through to see previews of the images and say if they’re not some of the best Lara has ever done so far! Oh, and please, Adriana, can you comment both on the pictures and the article which talks about what not to miss in Amsterdam? I trust you more than I trust the New York Times people (wink)!

Lara Stone New York Times T Style Magazine Fall 2011 cover

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