Pregnant Wardrobe Must: The Skinny Mom Jeans

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When you’re pregnant, two completely opposite feelings run through your fashion veins. At least when it came to my pregnancies… You’re overwhelmed with joy because of the obvious blessing that is being with child, completely embracing the new shape of your body and whatever changes it may imply. On the other side, you want to be reminded of your before-the-pregnancy body / self. You want to feel less bloated and less balloon-ish.

Thus two wardrobe attitudes ensue: in the first case, the embracing wardrobe, is mostly about showing off your belly and your new curves. Bold cleavages, flowly tent dresses or tunics. Enfin, you catch my drift. On the other side, you want to hold on to those skinny jeans, you want to still be able to wear the same clothes you were wearing before you were pregnant. Because, after all, it’s still you, right?

Well, hunz, Brooklyn ladies lead the latter wardrobe pack! According to the latest news (provided by Madison Rose, a maternity re-sale boutique), it would appear that pregnant ladies want those pregnant mom skinny jeans! Because they’re so worth it! Do you think skinny jeans and pregnancy make good fashion match?

Skinny Jeans For Pregnant Women

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