Victoria Beckham Gives Birth To Baby Girl. Kate Hudson Gives Birth To Baby Boy

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Victoria Beckham finally gave birth to her baby girl! Congrats to the happy family! Though I initially thought it was the same day as the Beckham girl, Kate Hudson, however, who also gave birth this weekend, only to a baby boy, had her delivery planned (or not) Saturday, July 9. Congrats to Kate and Matt Bellamy (Muse’s frontman)!

It’s been a pretty busy weekend, wouldn’t you say? Can’t wait for the precious baby pictures! Anyone cares to bet on the color of the Louboutin shoes worn by the Beckham girl in her first photo session? Or the rocker tee worn by Kate’s baby boy? Which magazines do you think will publish the famous covers (since People announced both news, I think they come across as favorites)? How about a couple – picture for the Beckham – Hudson babies? (wink)

UPDATE: Now here comes the best part! Did you heard the lil’ girl’s name? Harper Seven Beckham. Can. Not. Believe. It!

Victoria Beckham Kate Hudson gave birth


#1 ajginger on 07.11.11 at 6:35 am

Oh wow that’s the first of Victoria I see her really, really pregnant and real mommy boobies! ;)

LOL, yesterday I thought “this is a great day for Kpriss not one but two celeb babies have been born” :D
Of course congrats to the happy parents in the first place.
That name…argh, I saw the little Harper girl’s head in a box. Sorry…..Se7en? Harper, as I read, is a an old English name??
Anyway, move over Suri here comes Harper.
I wish them all the best and happy lives. :)

#2 Ellington on 07.11.11 at 7:34 am

Happiness and joy to both mothers!
: )

#3 kpriss on 07.11.11 at 3:23 pm

@ajginger you totally got me! Like um… totally? :))

It would appear that Harper is indeed an old English name Victoria was very fond of and that seven – get this: besides being David’s Manchester United’s t-shirt number, is also a mystical thingie. It would appear that lil’ Harper herself was sevent-ied to her teeth, so to speak since she was born at 7 in the morning (if we can call a c-section’s surgeon’s hands, the hands of fate), her weight – 7 pounds, born on the 7th day of the week, in the 7th month of the year, and God only knows what 7 else!

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