Matthew Williamson Is 15. Anniversary Fashion Film With Sienna Miller

You know I can easily fall out of love whenever I come across a too – fancy for words fashion film! Being too pretentious when it comes to fashion takes the fun spirit out of it and just close it under key in a small, hermetical box labeled ‘for fashion people only’.

And that just unfair. We should be able to taste and appreciate the fashion flavors of any fashion creation. Including fashion films! Why make them for wide distribution if they’re only meant for the fashion elite? Matthew Williamson XV, the short film marking the brand’s 15th anniversary is delicate and dreamy. Not too pretentious. Not too sophisticated. Feminine, inviting and mysterious. Oh, and funny! And we love our fashion films on the funny side, don’t we? Happy Anniversary Matthew Williamson!

(I guess this a wonderful way to get Sienna Miller back in the fashion game!)

Christopher Kane Balenciaga Rumors Still Unfounded

The entire Fashpopulation keeps on seeing Christopher Kane occupying the recently – vacated Balenciaga design chair. But the Balenciaga officials insist on dismissing these rumors saying that ‘no decision has been made’. Who would ever believe that a big profile fashion house doesn’t have at least two designer names on the table in the first 3 hours following the current designer’s demise happened? Fashion hotshots vs fashion fools, to be continued! {nymag}

Christopher Kane Balenciaga future uncertain

Kate Moss’ Vogue Spain December 2012: Flawless Testino!

It seems that Kate Moss is finally regaining her supreme model status with yet another flawless magazine cover. Vogue Spain December 2012 as photographed by Mario Testino has every reason to be considered as one of the most beautiful covers in the past few months. Globally.

I for one, think very highly of this image / collector issue cover choice. Still looks like Kate, the post – retouch team has been kind on her (and on us), the writing and the fonts colors are perfectly integrated in the final cover (assuming that this is also the newsstand cover), really a lesson for all the other Vogue editions out there! Well done, Yolanda Sacristan!

Kate Moss by Testino Vogue Spain December 2012

Sons Of Anarchy’s Charlie Hunnam, Jax Does Entertainment Weekly

Some talk boots and bag deals only. We talk movies and TV series. Among boots and bags (wink). And I think that makes it more interesting. (does it?) Here’s a nice cover this week: Entertainment Weekly with Charlie Hunnam. Sons of Anarchy’s MC President, Jax. I may not get a SAMCRO patch anytime soon, they don’t giv’em for watching TV, so I guess that EW cover title patch is suitable after all! {popwatch}

SOA Jax Charlie Hunnam Entertainment Weekly cover

Most Fashionable Talk During The Holiday Season: Weight

I’d like to start this short warning by saying I’m a naturally lean girl. Always been – and judging by the looks of my father, who passed his skinny gene onto me – I’ll always be. I’m coming forth with this because I’m honestly hoping it will keep ‘haters gonna hate’ genre comments at bay. Yeah, I’ve been getting a lot of those, especially when I signaled that this or that starlet is craving for attention by wearing a dress two sizes below her normal size. There’s no ‘poor taste’ indicator on the scale, people! One can very well be model – thin and still favor Jersey Shore fashion.

Jessica Simpson s new slimmer body I was browsing through the news and one thing really alarmed me among the gazillion fashion topics of what coat, what dress you should pack for Thanksgiving. Weight! Just try it yourself: go check out your favorite website (that’ll be StyleFrizz, ahem! – blushing) and you’ll notice the weight talk!

I’ve read people talking about respectable hit TV series and the weight of the actors involved. I’ve read articles about Jessica Simpson’s new weight loss, I even read that Zara won’t expand in rural U.S. because the customers ‘won’t fit in the clothes’.

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Kate Middleton Pregnant. Possibly. Maybe.

Kate Middleton pregnant possibly Once every few weeks, a new rumor placing a baby bump on Duchess Catherine of Cambridge (formerly know as Kate Middleton) starts swirling around. This time, the NY Post swears on the authenticity of the source claiming that the British Royal couple will announce their bundle of joy this December. After all, the world has seen her sans bra, it’s about time they all scooped into the insides of her belly… {nypost}

Joseph Gordon – Levitt’s Jacket From Looper: Carhartt J97 Detroit Jacket

As I prepared myself for some Argo talk, I realized I forgot to talk Looper. Have you seen Looper? We did. And we also enjoyed it. A lot! Actually we have a clear tendency to enjoy any of Joseph Gordon – Levitt’s movies. As I’ve said before, he really is a gifted actor in any acting registry except the dull one. (that territory has been reclaimed by Ewan McGregor; maybe we’ll get to that one day, as I hear he’s getting ready for another movie. And no, it’s not a piece of the new Star Wars VII!)

Looper. I’ll talk about the jacket worn by Joseph Gordon – Levitt without bringing any movie spoilers to the table. He’s wearing the Carhartt J97 Dark Brown Detroit Jacket, pretty worn out too (you can get a new one for just a little under $100 – but you’ll have to go see Looper, the movie first, though).

Joseph Gordon Levitt jacket in Looper Carhartt

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Raquel Zimmermann Without Makeup: Marni Fragrance Ad Campaign

When I first read the title placing Raquel Zimmermann in this picture, I was intrigued. My eyes were looking for Raquel without actually finding her. Nick Knight signed this simple campaign for Marni’s new Fragrance. On a closer inspection, I sensed that the Marni force was strong with this one. It’s a very subtle game of trademark Marni colors and quirky – funky feminine profiles, all in almost no makeup! Try it, I should! {fgr}

Raquel Zimmermann Marni perfume ad campaign