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Lara Stone’s Vogue Paris August 2011

Now that we talked about the surprise cover from Vogue US for the August 2011 issue (yep, that Sarah Jessica Parker in case you already forgot or wanted to forget – wink) we can safely return to our daily routine. However, before that I’d like your attention for yet another original item of the day (today it’s full of surprises!): Lara Stone’s Vogue Paris August 2011.

Whaaat? Lara Stone in Vogue Paris? Yes, yes, it’s happening, just like SJP for Vogue US! I’m loving the picture, the styling, Lara’s long, gorgeous legs. It may be my sore throat getting to me (Do. Not. Drink. Very. Cold. Water! Even if the heat kills you! It can leave you with an impossibly aching throat and it can keep you away from yummy ice cream for a few days! – sad face. Very sad face). Yeah, so I was saying that my pain can push me into seeing things, but boy, does Lara look like Natalia (Vodianova) on this cover! (is it just me?) (photo via)

Lara Stone Vogue Paris August 2011 cover


Sarah Jessica Parker’s Vogue August 2011

Oh, wow! Now that’s something new and original, entirely groundbreaking and revolutionary for Vogue US! For their August 2011 cover, they’ve got Sarah Jessica Parker! Niiiice!

Seriously? She is nice, not that we wouldn’t know her look, her style and her life by heart, however, since she had her twins, I don’t think she covered any Vogue. Did she? Either way, I’m loving the pictures, from the preview it looks like a very happy, shiny pictorial (Mario Testino, biensur)! (oh, and does anyone experience a déjà vu cover pose? If you do, you’re justified, SJP had the same pose for her May 2010 Vogue US cover! They even use the same pink shade for the SJP covers!) (via)

Sarah Jessica Parker Vogue August 2011 cover

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Kate Moss Does Vogue UK August 2011

How amazing is that? She just married in a wonderful, fairy tale ceremony (and dress) and Kate Moss is already covering the August 2011 issue of Vogue UK! Photographed by Mario Testino (the same who photographed her wedding) and wearing a gorgeous, vintage-y Miu Miu dress, Kate looks every inch her supermodel self!

Ready to kick the summer in style? Just looking at this image and all I can think of is lazy lying on the beach, under the hot summer sun! (yes, I’m aware it’s as bad as it gets for my skin, but I blame it on Kate and Testino this time!) (Vogue via)

Kate Moss Vogue UK August 2011 cover

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Maryna Linchuk’s Vogue Russia May 2011 Cover

We’ve heard that coral is the shade of the season so many times so we might as well see how can we put it to good fashion use. This is the perfect example of great coral aesthetic, impeccable styling and overall excellence.

Maryna Linchuck on the cover of Vogue Russia May 2011 working the coral look for photographer Patrick Demarchelier. Don’t you just love the rock’n’roll edge and the general styles patchwork? The necklace, the dress and the gloves look like they were meant to be put together like this. And Maryna‘s pose is perfect! This is absolutely my favorite cover so far this year! Thank you, Vogue Russia for making fashion happen! (photo via)

Maryna Linchuk Vogue Russia May 2011 cover


Anja Rubik For Vogue Australia April 2011

So that’s the Vogue she was going to cover? Back in the early days of the year, when the news of her engagement was all over the internet, Anja mentioned a Vogue cover photo shooting she was off to! So there it goes, finally, it’s Vogue Australia April 2011.

Anja Rubik looks gorgeous. Comme d’habitude. If anything, I just wish they give her more covers, she’s a beautiful woman and a great model (and yes, if possible, make her smile more?) I mean look at those legs! To infinity and beyond!

Photographer: Marcin Tyszka. Stylist: Naomi Smith. Also – does this 70s thing catches up with you and your wardrobe? I’m having a hard time letting the Farah Fawcett hairdo in my life! (Vogue Australia via)

Anja Rubik Vogue Australia April 2011 cover


Freja Beha Erichsen Arizona Muse Vogue Italia January 2011

Vintage fashion, vintage magazine. It’s all brilliantly redone by Vogue Italia January 2011. With a little help from le modele du moment Freja Beha Erichsen and the rising model star du moment Arizona Muse. Old – school does it best.

Photographer: Steven Meisel. Fashion Editor Karl Templer. (Vogue Italia via)

Freja Beha Arizona Muse Vogue Italia January 2011 cover


Miranda Kerr’s Pregnant Vogue Australia January 2011

Come on, be opened about it: you missed a good baby bump story here, didn’t you? What? the W Miranda Kerr episode earlier? It’s nothing, compared to a Vogue cover, really!

Think about it: Miranda didn’t do the Victoria’s Secret show this year because she’s pregnant. If Miranda didn’t do it, then no other Australian model was invited to walk the VS catwalk. Well, too bad for them! Here’s Miranda in all her pregnant splendor (she’s six month and half on this cover) doing Vogue Australia, January 2011. Given that it’s summer in Australia, we’re willing to forgive the off season disturbance and openly applaud beautiful Miranda. (I still can’t believe I’m talking about January magazines already! I wish we’d have an eternal December moment – Christmas after Christmas after Christmas every month!) (photos via)

Miranda Kerr Vogue Australia January 2011 cover

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Kristen McMenamy Dazed And Confused Vs. Vogue Italy August 2010

There’s definitely something grey in the air as we approach the fall days! Take for instance the August 2010 issue of Dazed and Confused with Kristen Mcmenamy and the August 2010 issue of Vogue Italy (with the same Kristen McMenamy).

As hard to believe as it may be for the fashpopulation out there (and more), Kristen’s grey hair is the result of her normal aging process. No wig (Lady Gaga, anyone?), no fancy dying (Tavi looks familiar, right?), just plain ol’ Kristen thinking that growing old can also be rock’n’roll without layering makeup and disguises. If early on I wished I followed Natalia Vodianova’s fountain of youth policy, now I have to state, in a more realistic note, that I wish I’d be like Kristen Mcmenamy when I grow old and grey. And beautiful. And fashionable. Aaand… I should stop, right? (more images right after the jump, click here for the gallery! Don’t miss the Vogue Italy video!)

Kristen McMenamy Dazed and Confused August 2010 cover

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