…you’re to decide if you’ll follow them or not, but this is a brief breakdown of the most important style proposals from our beloved celebrities!
{1} Unusual jewelry : we’ve seen it before and we know it’s working. Strange looking jewelry will always appeal to the daring fashion followers out there (especially when the effervescent Ke$ha is behind a strange looking jewelry collection called Ke$ha Rose by Charles Albert with shapes like teeth, shark tooth, certain parts of the human body modeled into rings, earrings and such and more pieces looking less extraordinary that you can see for yourself at kesharosebycharlesalbertdotcom)
{2} No bras : it’s not like they invented the wheel, but our famous and fancy ditched the bras at least for this summer. Several studies have argued the necessity of wearing a bra up to a scientifically supported breaking point rendering pointless the bra wearing routine and making it more an aesthetic necessity than a physical request.
{3} Blinged booboos: just because a part of you is temporarily out of service, it doesn’t have to be out of fashion too. Remember Lady Gaga’ golden wheelchair? Well, here’s Mariah Carey’s blinged arm sling! It’s not a question of choosing but imagining and embracing the best bling customization for your more or less temporary booboo. Don’t hide it, make the most tasteful fun of it! (that pretty much goes for all the above too)
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