If You Dare, Nicki Minaj’s Pink Chicken Wing Necklace Is On Sale

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Remember we talked about Nicki Minaj wearing an interesting piece of necklace. A meaty one? A pink fried chicken wing necklace?

Well, daaahlings, the said Pink (handmade) Fried Chicken Wing necklace is now on sale and you can have it for just $79,99 (downmarked from $100)! Or you can just get creative with a bucket full of Kentucky Fried Chicken crispy wings and make all your fiends happy! (you’ll have to accompany the necklace with a picture of Nicki Minaj wearing it, otherwise they’d think it’s some kind of magic ritual, I’m sure!) So? Do you dare to wear the Pink Fried Chicken Wing necklace?

Nicki MInaj pink fried chicken wing necklace on sale

Nicki Minaj wearing the chicken necklace

Pink fried chicken necklace


#1 dymonique on 10.23.11 at 6:26 am

hey yal im sure am gettin dat necklace

#2 Dede on 11.25.12 at 4:49 pm

umm yeah i love nicki minaj so i will wear that in a heart beat!!!
ummm is it acually a real chicken wing or is it plastic!!!!!
cause if i cant find them anywhere i can just MAKE MY OWN LOL!!!!
but i really want one someone please tell me cause i wanna know
and where can i get one at????

#3 Diyana on 11.27.12 at 3:44 am

Yeah This is what I was waiting for, as christmas gift. Forget Marchesa gown, it’s so yesterday I will ask for a purple fried chicken from NKFmC.

#4 Appollonia on 11.27.12 at 10:56 am


#5 kpriss on 11.27.12 at 2:40 pm

oh, Diyana, I couldn’t have said it better. not in a million years! :*

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