YSL Belle D’Opium With Melanie Thierry. The Banned Ad
February 3rd, 2011 by kpriss
Somewhere, out there, the ad that you’re about to see below, has been pulled out of the Television distribution. Why? because it allegedly shows the effects of illegal substances on the human body.
Are you familiar with the commercial? If not, please do click on play and ponder on the subject. The video is actually an ad campaign for the latest Yves Saint Laurent perfume YSL Belle D’Opium and is starring Melanie Thierry, a 29yo French actress you may be familiar with from Babylon A.D and, more recently, The Princess of Montpensier. The director is Romain Gavras (yes, as in the son of Costa – Gavras) and the music was composed by Nitin Sawhney and choreographed by Akram Khan.
Also: is it just me who feels terribly inspired by dancing scenes?
Michelle Obama Is Only Wearing What She Loves
February 3rd, 2011 by kpriss
I think we all heard, one way or the other, about the madness surrounding Michelle Obama‘s dress choice for the state dinner (yes, the very Alexander McQueen one!). The mighty CFDA felt disappointed with her wearing a non – American designer, the world was confused as to believe the dress honored China (for being red) or the European designers at a dinner where they should have discussed the commercial liaisons between the two countries (USA and China). Really, it would have made your head turn and twist and then some.
Finally, after having heard and read so much about that dress, Michelle Obama herself was ready to put a stop to it all: “Look, women, wear what you love. That’s all I can say. That’s my motto. I wear what I like because…I gotta be in the dress, so…”
Also: Please focus your sartorial anger at Lady Gaga? (via)
Celebrities, Unstyle, Wisdom Without Moderation
Naomi Campbell’s GQ UK March 2011
February 3rd, 2011 by kpriss
Men are always drawn to controversy. Especially if it involves a beautiful, beautiful woman. A legend in her own kind. Because I won’t full myself into believing that Naomi is anything short of a legend. Yes, she’s been bad, and yes, she’s all kind of mad, but come on, you have to give it to her – she’s gorgeous!
So there she goes, Naomi Campbell for GQ, the UK edition, March 2011. An interesting cover, to say the least, with a very appealing title: The last of the Supermodels on… (well, some pretty serious issues).
Also – Cindy, Linda, Eva, Jane, Helena (who have I forgot?) would like to respectfully point out the ridiculous in the “last of the supermodels” tag applied to Naomi. Wouldn’t you? (You can read more from Naomi’s exclusive interview here)
Julianne Moore’s Talbots Spring Summer 2011 Ad Campaign
February 1st, 2011 by kpriss
Keeping up with the inspiring trend, I’d like you to take a moment and smell the roses. Yeah, no, I’m not joking! Stick with me for a short moment and you’ll see what this is all about!
It’s about Julianne Moore, Talbots, Mert and Marcus and a Spring Summer 2011 Ad Campaign. Worlds apart from that Bvlgari thing she did not long ago, this campaign for Talbots is heartmelting, heartwarming and all kinds of hearty things. It’s beautiful, soothing, with a pinch of vintage and a strong flavor of perfection. Say it isn’t so!
Also: what’s Julianne‘s age again? what? 21 you say? I believe you! I do! (you can click the picture to see a larger image!) (photo via)
Ad Break, Celebrities, Featured, Unstyle
Rolled Denim, Layered Scarves, White Tee, Cardi. Perfection!
February 1st, 2011 by kpriss
I’ve made no secret of my love for denim. I love jeans. A good fitting pair of jeans could save you on the dreariest of outfit days. Just throw it on, you know you look fabulous with it anyway!
This outfit stole my heart, so, naturally, you just had to see it too! It’s a boyfriend cut, rolled jeans with a white tee, black cardi and two layered scarves – a gray and a black one (either that or the black tie is from the cardigan). Let’s not overlook the animal print booties, the super sized black tote and the creoles. Now this is what I call urban chic perfection!
Also: you don’t need to wear something Lady Gaga would wear just to turn heads. Less is more, don’t you ever forget that! (photo Supertrash)
Jessica Alba’s Closet. Oprah’s Closet. Eva Longoria’s Closet. How About Yours?
February 1st, 2011 by kpriss
These days I’m often confronted with the perils of misplacing a garment. While searching for something for my three – month – old baby boy, I ran across few summer items I had missed this summer. Of course, this past summer I also had significant proportions due to my pregnancy, but nevertheless – the dilemma presents itself like this: if I haven’t consciously ranged my closet, how will I know that all my outfit options for the season are therein?
I don’t. Except if I keep everything thoroughly organized and in sight. If you’re looking for a closet makeover, consider something as simple as changing your hangers (replace them with simple wood hangers, all the same, would be a simple move that goes a long way). Then, rework your wardrobe to follow your daily routine, not the other way around.
Models Take The Subway. Lindsey Calla
February 1st, 2011 by kpriss
Most of us are so taken by our daily routine or maybe we just have too much on our minds to lift our heads up an look around. But what you don’t know, is that every now and then, something surprising can happen next to you. All you have to do is pay attention to the world around you!
Did you know that models ride the subway just like the rest of us? Here’s Lindsey Calla to show you just how glamorous a subway ride can be!
Also – I love her outfit! It’s casual enough to make it through the city and accessorized in just the right measure to not make it look overbuys or too pretentious. However, when that jacket comes off? It’s mind blowing! Keep that in mind for your next outfit planning – little accessories but important details go a long way! (photos Altamira)
Armani Jeans Vs. Megan Fox’ Thumbs
January 31st, 2011 by kpriss
We recently watched Transformers (the first one) with the kids. They were impressed. Very much impressed. The mechanics and the pyrotechnic qualities that stand proof to Michael Bay’s directorial aptitudes swept the kids off their feet. However, we had the chance to remember Megan Fox as she looked like in her early years. Maaan, was she different back then!
But that’s something we’ve already been through. The latest, from Megan, is her Armani Jeans and Underwear ad campaigns. And below is an image of her from the 2011 Armani Jeans campaign. Notice anything strange about her? Hint – strange about her thumb? Yes, yes, yes! The Armani people took the time to photoshop her thumb- they replaced it altogether. What’s wrong with you, people? Photoshop her tattoos if you feel like it, but her thumbs?
Also: we were all created equals, even if our thumbs were not! (click the picture for a larger image, Megan Fox with her original thumb) (photos via 1, 2)
Ad Break, Celebrities, Photoshop Courtesy