Bicycling Is Really Fashionable. Even When Snowing

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Sometimes I keep getting back to one of my Adored Husband’s sayings: A picture is worth a thousand words. And then some.

And the perfect example for that group of images lies below. You know, in spite of what people may think (yes, Jaffa, I’m looking at you!), the internet is a wonderful, wonderful place, full of charming whatnots. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

The hero of this image is Allison Beale, a NY based fashion publicist, writer and founder of George Public Relations. Also – redheads don’t feel the cold and don’t get snowed on like the rest of us! Redheads just look impeccable in any weather and from any angle! (Downtownfrombehind via)

redhead bicycling

NY redhead bicycling

1 comment so far

#1 ajgingerbelle on 01.22.11 at 10:22 am

Why not me then? :( But the view and some imagination it could be me right? :D I’m pretty fierce!! :P


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