In The Mood For Some Fancy Jewelry Boxes?

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Have you ever dreamed about holding all your precious jewelry in a box? One of those precious armoire – like boxes with tiny drawers, infinite compartments and soft velour to keep all those glitzy shiny jewelry warm and safe?

I know I did! It all came back to me when I looked at these stylish jewelry boxes! All my childhood dreams of precious musical fairy tale boxes came running back and giving me a hard time choosing my favorite. Isn’t there something bourgeois and at the same time something mysterious and pirates – worthy in possessing a jewelry box? It’s like your own personal treasure chest! Do you own a jewelry box? How did you choose yours? (thanks, Richard!)

Jewelry boxes elegant

Jewelry box Cinderella

Jewelry armoire

1 comment so far

#1 narasimhan on 12.30.15 at 1:15 am

Hi, I like the jewelery armoire very much. Just looking for a box to have more of the pendents and the chains especially. Do suggest me something really jazzy and hoe do I buy these. Thanks

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