Dare To Wear The Sloth Rings?

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I’ve been piling up coffees these couple of days as I felt like such a sleepyhead, I couldn’t get halfway through the day without at least two serious cups of coffee. All things sleepy catch my attention and I feel unusually drawn to anything lounge-y, loungewear, lounge-ish. I would practically lie all day in the sun like a lizard. But then I would miss out on so much fun! Like the sleeping sloths here!

I mean… hugging, sleeping sloths on our fingers? I dream of being a cute sleeping sloth right now. And I would definitely wear one of the sleeping sloths rings on my fingers right now. No! I’d actually wear all 10, each hugging and sleepingly cuddling on a finger. Yaaawn. Don’t they just look… sleepy? And cute? And just all kinds of adorable?

cute lazy sloth rings

Completely adjustable ring, made to order when the order is placed on etsy and it takes 2 to 3 weeks to be produced. Oh, and just in case you can’t have enough of sloths cuteness, there’s also a lazy sloth hanging on a necklace to match the cute ring! For those days when you’re feeling all bouncy and pumped up! (all available on the etsy store CuriousBurrow)

cute sloth rings

cute lazy sloth necklace


#1 Ellington on 05.21.13 at 2:59 pm

I would not wear the rings, but I would give the necklace a bash. : )

#2 Nicole on 09.02.13 at 9:50 am

Where do u buy the rings????? It’s kind of bad that u don’t say

#3 kpriss on 09.02.13 at 11:11 pm

I did say Nicole :) if you read the last phrase of the post, you too will find out where you can buy these absolutely adorable finger huggers :)

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