A New Week, A New Justin Bieber Tattoo!

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Pretty unbelievable, isn’t it? What did the first week of 2013 bring you? I’ll start with love, peace, our kids are finally cold – free (yep, another virus caught up with them just before the Christmas break and wasn’t pretty at all), we met with our friends & family, it was nice & quiet but at the same time really festive.

Now here’s what 2013 brought for Justin Bieber: a new tattoo! Nice, huh? Actually – not that nice, it has the same amateur quality to it, despite being inked by a proper tattoo artist (could be the same as for the other tattoos, it’s pretty much the same style).

Justin Bieber got a new tattoo

However, this one comes with a heartmelting legend. Especially now that the NHL is unfrozen! Some of you, I’m sure, even recognized the icon of the Canadian Stratford Culliton – Justin Bieber said his Grandfather took him to their games every Friday night, so I think he’ll get a pass this time, being so emotional and all. I wonder what tattoo is he getting next week!

Stratford Culliton tattoo on Justin Bieber

1 comment so far

#1 Appollonia on 01.08.13 at 11:28 am

OMG, Justin smokes a joint! Some of his poor fans harm themselves terribly with forks and knives!! That’s more worse than smoking a joint! He’s not doing hard drugs……at least I hope he won’t ever do that……poor kids. As well Justin as his fans…..

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