Justin Bieber Hides His Face Under Chanel Mask

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I usually report on ink related issues but this time, my Justin Bieber story is a bit different. In a couture way, biensur.

Justin Bieber, my dahlings, released a picture of his Holy Bieberness hiding under a mask. It’s not a mask per se, biensur, but it’s just another one of those high fashion balaclavas worn by this and that celebrity in a brief ‘rebellious’ moment (it’s like being rebellious because you’re skying or something, since this is what originally the balaclava was designed for). Justin Bieber may have the means to put it on, but when it comes to spelling, he clearly spent more time on stage than in school. Hereby, my dahlings, Justin Bieber’s ‘Channel’. That’s what he said!

Justin Bieber hides face Chanel balaclava

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