Diane Kruger’s Christian Lacroix Pink Dress For Golden Globes 2010

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Diane Kruger’s pink appearance on the 2010 Golden Globes Red Carpet was a pretty refreshing one. Despite the must-have trendy ruffles, she had put on a statement dress: a Christian Lacroix Spring 2009 Couture.

Fighting the rain with her boyfriend, Joshua Jackson, at her side, there’s really nothing wrong you can say about Diane! Just like our friend, Adriana, said it: they’re too cute for words! (btw, did you know she’s starring in an episode of Joshua’s Fringe? I don’t know if they aired it yet, my Adored Husband is more on the Fringe side, I’m, you know, more of a Lie to Me girl!) (photos via 1, 2)

Diane Kruger Christian Lacroix dress Golden Globes 2010

Diane Kruger Joshua Jackson Golden Globes 2010

Diane Kruger Lacroix dress Golden Globes 2010

Diane Kruger 2010 Golden Globes 2 Diane Kruger Joshua Jackson 2010 Golden Globes 1


#1 Adriana on 01.18.10 at 6:59 am

Kpriss, I just viewed such a charming Heidi and Seal under their umbrella so where’s Diane’s funny and cute Joshua all smiles posing with the umbrella I sent you? That was the cute factor! He’s a bit stiff here….sniff, sniff….oh, it’s about the dress? The dress is great too. It’s beautiful! You really have made me get into Diane. I pay far more attention to her and that’s how I know she’s with Joshua. Not the other way around.

No, I haven’t seen her in Fringe (yet?). We here have the first series. I googled and read Diane’s part is a cameo. So it must be real luv! I hope I’ve not missed her? Great series, Joshua is the GRRR-factor. Yes, Lie To Me is great too but I can’t watch only US series…..

Off topic: and this guy is Katie Holmes’ first love…..*whistles*

#2 kpriss on 01.18.10 at 7:37 am

(because you’re constantly one step ahead! I was editing the articles and each time, you were posting a comment for the next article I was going to edit.. so that’s how you didn’t see the funny umbrella picture! here it goes now! :* )

Yep, it’s a special appearance, it’s nice to see people in love doing everything together, even working together! Ah, no-no! Not just US series, I know you’re a true cinephile! And Bravo to you! Stay on that track and please, keep us posted whenever something good comes along! We’d love some too! (last night I saw a movie I completely ignored until now: Magnolia- so how’s that for a decade of movie-ignorance?)

Yeah, I guess the producers figured out that Joshua brings some GRRR on board so in the second series they kinda make him more macho and more active than in the first… so stay tuned! ;)

#3 Adriana on 01.18.10 at 8:04 am

More macho? I like him like this! I stay tuned to Fringe. Great story lines, wonderful cast. Áh, all smiles here about the “umbrella” photo. :)

Magnolia, one of my fave films forever…..Julianna was wonderful don’t you think? Everyone is even Tom Cruise. A film so close to my heart.

#4 kpriss on 01.18.10 at 8:17 am

Yeah, it’s like a modern times X Files! :) bold ideas, funny situations…

You know, I said the same thing! That they should’ve kept him geeky and gentleman-ish instead of making him knock down doors and preach the knuckles wisdom here and there. But hey, nobody messes with Joshua!

Magnolia was heartbreaking! In a good way! Everyone was wonderful, even Tom Cruise, like you say! And Julianne was great, yep, everyone! That kid, Stanley? heartmelting! and grown up Donnie? all their stories were beautiful and so moving!

#5 Adriana on 01.18.10 at 12:43 pm

…..and Aimee Mann’s music! I remember her singing “Save Me” which was nominated, at the Oscar’s life, it was overwhelmingly beautiful. She didn’t win some bland Disney song by Phil Collins won. I couldn’t stand it.
PTA was inspired by Aimee’s music when he wrote the scenario for “Magnolia. :)

#6 Ellington on 01.18.10 at 6:12 pm

A pretty dress on pretty Diane.

#7 Anika on 01.18.10 at 10:16 pm

I am commenting absolutely everywhere that that umbrella pic is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. They are adorable and I adore them. I cannot wait to see her on Fringe because it is simply too sweet for words she’s doing it! As for the dress, I think it is stunning.

#8 Rob Schneider rules on 03.09.10 at 3:17 pm

I simply cannot help it! I HATE this hot pink colour – it makes me queasy!

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