Dare To Wear ZLDA Jewelry?

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Our friend, Ellington, brought something really interesting to my attention not long ago: ZLDA Landscape Rings! I was so surprised and intrigued by the design, I had to look for more information about the designer and her work.

Zelda Beauchampet is a young Dutch Designer living and working in the Netherlands. Her inspired creations are both funny and original. (the story continues right after the jump! Don’t miss the gallery with ZLDA’s creations!)

ZLDA Landscape rings Mr Neckless

The Handscape rings are made from separate landscape rings, each ring with its element – trees, birds, hands, buildings, rabbits, whatever your day inspires you to do, wherever your day takes you to, your hands can always tell a different story. You can choose and combine the six elements – rings in your own way, be your ring’s designer!

ZLDA Landscape rings Manhattan

Mr Neckless is a special necklace in the shape of a make figure. Mr. Neckless versatility is amazing: you can create your male face choosing from three different types of noses, hairdos, glasses and mustaches. You can even choose the color of each element from the seven different colors available.

ZLDA Mr Neckless

Mr. Neckless is made of transparent plexi and comes with a long chain to wear around your neck. The disguises are funny, easy to wear, pop and original. How would you wear ZLDA’s jewelry and which one is your favorite?

ZLDA landscape rings elements

ZLDA Handscape black

ZLDA handscape white

ZLDA landscape rings black

ZLDA landscape rings bird

ZLDA landscape rings rabbit

ZLDA Mr Neckless necklace

ZLDA Mr Neckless package

ZLDA Mr Neckless girl boy


#1 Ellington on 03.24.09 at 4:31 pm

I am glad that you are sharing this with everyone Kpriss, I think that ZLDA’s jewelery designs are fun and whimsical! I love the rings. : )

#2 Adriana on 03.25.09 at 11:15 am

It’s funny to read about a Dutch designer -with a very ‘exotic’ name though- on a US blog! I’d never heard of her before!
I like the rings though they can look a bit dangerous too on the wrong hands….I don’t see myself wearing such a necklace.
My fave is the bird ring.

I googled a bit and found this article high on the first Google page LOL!

#3 nabwire on 03.25.09 at 9:56 pm

the rings definately but not the necklaces!very creative though!

#4 Penelope on 03.26.09 at 2:20 pm

It is great to see a designer thinking outside the box…. I love the idea. I think if I had these rings, every time I looked down at my fingers they would make me give a little giggle- and there’s nothing wrong with that!

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