Wear Your Bandanna As A Tie
December 29th, 2010 by kpriss
Wearing your bandanna in a new original way can prove to be tricky since everything and anything involving a bandanna was already tried and shown.
However, it seems there’s still something new left to do with the ever trendy bandanna: wear it around your neck, as a tie. It’s been done before, you say? I agree, but take a look below and tell me there ain’t nothing new in that image! (yes, the colors do help the overall stylish impression, but that bandanna… ) (photo Mister Mort)
Accessories, Men Of Style, Unstyle
The CatWalking Dead
December 29th, 2010 by kpriss
Some of you may have heard there’s a new hit television series in town. It’s called The Walking Dead and even if you’re not really into zombiness, you should consider watching it because it’s directed by Frank Darabont (The Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile).
Now the reason I started mentioning the series is this photo I stumbled across. The undead vs. the models face-off. My favorite line? Supermodel lifespan: four years – from 18 to 22. Whoever did this hasn’t got all the facts straight. A Supermodel lives on for years and years (Kate Moss anyone?). A simple model’s life starts as early as 13 and could actually go on for about a decade. And I also assume that the author of this fine drawing wasn’t familiar with the Walking Dead madness. Everybody loves models… ahem zombies. Right? (via; more about the Walking Dead here)
Karl Lagerfeld, Baptiste Giabiconi Volkswagen Ad Campaign
December 28th, 2010 by kpriss
Spoiler alert! I’ll start by saying I was a bit shocked to see Karl Lagerfeld, the grand Kaiser being touched by another human being. And everything being caught on camera. And shown to the world in the new Volkswagen Golf and Polo Style package.
Karl is praising the cars, believing they’re coming straight from Paris. However, someone comes from behind and fairly warns him, graciously grabbing his arm and whispering in his ear that the cars are, in fact, German (0.17seconds along). Imagine how Linda Evangelista – high I raised my eyebrows only to realize, a spark of a second later, that the good fella who whispered so familiarly in Lagerfeld’s ear, was, none the other, but Baptiste Giabiconi! Man, does der Kaiser do anything without his toyboy? (via)
Giorgio Armani Samsung Galaxy S
December 28th, 2010 by kpriss
While everyone and their respective dogs is wearing i-anything, Giorgio Armani teamed up with Samsung for yet another smart phone that “speaks for you”. And is currently making the waves of the interwebs with a short video ad promoting a new Facebook application: “I wear Armani”.
I may not be a tech sensitive soul, but do enlighten me – what’s this ad all about? A Second Life like application where some gimmicky avatar of yours gets to wear Armani while you get to watch, comme d’habitude? (via)
Ad Break, Stylish Gadgets, Unstyle
Fur’n Sandals
December 27th, 2010 by kpriss
It’s a bit like Love and Marriage, Love and Marriage go together like a… That’s what comes to my mind when I look at this photo below: Fur and Sandals, Fur and Sandals. What? Tell me those aren’t funny! By every standard, even fashion standards, I dare you, tell me they’re not funny!
If one thing, they sure are practical – take for instance the blizzard that has caught up with us finally – if that particular weather condition would have surprised your sandals wearing self outside, wouldn’t you have looked for a bit of fur to warm up your toes? I would!
Even a kitty would have been great for the job! Two kitties, one for each of my glamorous sandals! (And I promise you this – no kitty cat would have been harmed in the course of protecting my toes from the cold blizzard! The contrary of what happened to those infeliz animals whose fur now adorn Reed Krakoff sandals. Unless… it’s fake fur. Which brings me back to funny: peta or no peta friendly!) (JackandJil)
Lingerie For Everyone To See
December 27th, 2010 by kpriss
Ever since her Gaganess made her way into the world wearing less pants and less tops than any of us dare to in the very privacy of our homes, the lingerie items we usually kept underneath claim their right to coming out.
It’s something I’ve always cringed outside the stage where the likes of Cher and Madonna (and I’m sure many others) promoted this kind of entertaining costume. Wearing your lingerie for everyone to see, purposely, just doesn’t sound good or fashionable enough to me. If you’ll scroll down, you’ll see just why.
A recent Face Hunted drew my attention because she was wearing her bra on her tee. (and even though I think I spot a second bra underneath the tee – correct me if I’m wrong – her daring lingerie move doesn’t strike me as fashionable). She’s a very pretty young lady, photographed in Kuala Lumpur, wearing something you will help me describe by casting your vote after the first image!

Casual Style, Lingerie, Outfit of The Day, Questionable Style, Unstyle
Taylor Momsen’s John Galliano Parlez Moi D’Amour Perfume
December 27th, 2010 by kpriss
I usually love Ellen Von Unwerth’s work. And I would love this one too. Except it’s a video (you know, in the Crazy for Eva genre). And a pretty neurotic one too! Taylor Momsen, l’enfant terrible of rock music (more enfant than terrible) is the very star of John Galliano’s Parlez Moi D’Amour perfume video ad (remember the first images we’ve had the pleasure of seeing a while back).
And she’s also singing for it – her voice is what you hear in the background, singing “You”. And it doesn’t sound that bad, does it? The message I’m getting from this commercial, however, is that Galliano aims for the young ones. Wouldn’t you say? (via)
The Adventures Of Santa Lagerfeld
December 27th, 2010 by kpriss
I can’t believe Christmas is already behind us! I still have those twelve days of Christmas to last me until next year (yep, the twelve days of Christmas start the 25th of December, not the 14th). So.. it’s not really over, is it?
Join me for a good Kaiser laugh, Christmas wouldn’t be the same without him! Karl Lagerfeld (and Anna Wintour) as seen by Alexsandro Palombo (we’ve met him before, so it’s no wonder it sounds familiar). They sure had some fun this Christmas! How about you? How was your Christmas? (don’t get me started with mine – suffice to say we had some digestion issues with the kids – some nasty virus somehow found its way into our home and our youngest caught it, as well as our daughter. It’s been quite an interesting Christmas, I might add!)
Christmas, Designers, Undo, Unstyle