Models Workout: Ping Pong

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Do you believe all those saying that the modeling bodies come easy? That all they do is hold on to those good genes and they keep their skinny bod forever? Yeah, well I don’t!

It think once you get pass a certain age and a certain life regime, everything comes tumbling down on you unless you’re really careful. That and serious exercise. Whether you do it around the house or in the gym, exercise will keep you in a great shape. Both physically and mentally. Look at these models playing ping pong! They’re having so much fun! (they’re in the SPiN competition, in NY) (via)

1 comment so far

#1 Adriana on 08.18.10 at 5:42 am

The new IT thing in New York. This club is co-owned and a initiative by Susan Sarandon. Inspired by one of her sons.
Toldja some time ago Axl Rose (yuck these days) played some ping pong there with no one else than Scarlett Johansson.

I wonder how long it takes before it’s a trend? I’m not gonna follow; hates ping pong.

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