Lorde And Taylor Swift: Friendship, Curly Hair And Success

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Two newslines caught my undivided attention yesterday: Taylor Swift earned last year twice as Beyonce did in the same period of time! second: Lorde is soon releasing a makeup collection with M.A.C. . How do these two collide in my head? Scroll down to find out!

Straight hair is synonymous with celebrity. But how ‘natural’ is straight hair and how bending the nature contributes to being a celebrity? Isn’t it the least weird that in order to become successful, an artist has to undergo such significant changes and transformation which literally transfigure its persona into something else. Something like-able by everyone.

Or so they say: That everyone likes a certain stereotype of performer. Studies are constantly pushing new conclusions, shaping new characteristics for the dream entertainer.

Lorde hair Taylor Swift hair

The notorious friendship between Taylor Swift and Lorde is something so fascinating, it’s hardly getting away from the scandal press or the gossip columns. Two brilliant, very young singers from two different parts of the world tied a seemingly unreal friendship over the past couple of months. While everyone is developing a weird type of hate hobby against Taylor and wait for her slightest misstep to cast the first stone, the two young entertainers have more in common than most people realize.

Lorde Taylor Swift friendship

They reached international recognition and headspinning success before the age of 18. They’re both writing and composing the music that made them famous and they’re both… curly headed! It’s been too long since we last talked about this topic and now is the perfect opportunity to split the proverbial hair…

Taylor Swift Lorde Awards

Not long ago, I signaled that Taylor (and a number of other celebrities) were opting for a bob haircut which made it the hottest hairstyle as of late. However, I’d like you to take a look at Taylor Swift’s hair evolution below and tell me what you think and which hairstyle flatters her most.

Taylor Swift hair evolution from her debut to present days

From her debut album (Taylor Swift, 2006) to her latest album cover (Red, 2012), the changes are not only visible but more and more radical with each release. The pivotal moment in Taylor’s hair evolution was her Vogue cover (February 2012). It was then when she accepted ‘the cut’ – her heavy bangs and stick straight hair indicated a new, boho-hippie direction for until-then curlyheaded Taylor. (Vogue has a thing for shortening hair into new, iconic hairstyles as she featured a lengthy piece on Karlie Kloss getting her new haircut!)

Taylor Swift hair evolution

See more: Taylor Swift’s Vogue hair-changing pictorial!

From 2012 to present days, Taylor’s hair has hardly seen another natural ringlet shape. Fast forwarding to 2014 when a newly bob-styled young Miss Swift continues her world domination as she will most certainly release her new album this year. New hair, new album, new friends… But where does that leave her (old) fanbase? Taylor famously used to spend up to 4 hours to the meet&greets with her fans. Does her new straight hairstyle feels more inline with her fan’s hearts?

Taylor Swift debut hair Vogue cover haircut now new short hair

Studies seem to indicate a stronger leaning towards curls and ringlets as naturallycurly.com conducted a survey about Taylor’s hairstyle and only a weak 21% was enchanted with the new stick straight style as opposed to an overwhelming 62% who wanted Taylor with her old natural bouncy ringlets. Natural doesn’t seem to stand a chance when escalating the stairs to stardomness…

See also: Hair Top Myths Debunked!

I started out by saying that the news about Lorde’s MAC Makeup collection was surprising. Although a natural rapport given Lorde’s has a very specific goth-approach to her beauty regime and M.A.C. is not a brand to shy away from strong show-personalities, Lorde is but 17-years old. Not only her style is evolving at the speed of light at this stage of her life, but her leaning towards goth could very well vanish once she’ll be out of her teen era.

Lorde releasing new MAC makeup collection

Most likely she will be given a Vogue cover, like Taylor’s and from there on, we might be looking at a new Lorde. With straightened hair and, maybe, a heavy fringe over her perfectly arched eyebrows?

artwork Lorde first album

Lorde worked with MAC stylist (Amber Dreadon) both on her new makeup collection and her looks while attending the major musical awards events this season. As such, her straightened hair from the Grammys could very well be a giveaway of what’s coming up next in terms of image for Lorde, the internationally recognized and acclaimed entertainer!

Lorde straight hair vs curly hair

Oh, and yes, that deep dark lipstick seems to be part of her upcoming collection as it’s aptly named ‘Heroine’ just like the artist’s first album! She’s barely in her first fame year so it may be a little to early to speculate on how her image evolution will turn out in time. But given her long, gorgeously curly hair and her friendship with Taylor, chances are she’ll be making a move towards shortening it soon enough.

Taylor Swift Lorde similarities

There’s a strong possibility that her commercial contract with MAC specifies a coherence in her goth style for at least 2 years, keeping the collection on profit, thusly steadying her image change rhythm in the near future… But marks my words, should she aim for international success, Lorde will ditch her natural curls in no time!

Would that change the way the public perceive the quality of fame?

Lorde natural curly hair vs straight hair

See more: Simple DIY hairstyles you need to master for Spring/Summer & More!


#1 Appollonia on 03.14.14 at 8:25 am

I love the curly hair do’s so much better than the straightened hair. Just my opnion.
Further I feel the industry push Lorde too soon, too fast into super stardom. She is obviously very talented but should prove more than just one hit album. Already a MAC contract? Nah….. the industry wants them to change their personality, eats these young talents to cash in. No, time learn them how to blossom and to deal with fame. Sign of the times I guess?

#2 kpriss on 03.14.14 at 4:39 pm

I admit I too straightened my hair for years! Maybe someone should encode the love for hair in our dna? Love for us, in general? that would most definitely twist the entertainment industry on itself lolz!

#3 Appollonia on 03.15.14 at 12:34 pm

Oh, I have straight hair and have had a perm and still I desire curly hair, but no perm again, no way hahaha…..ah, we must love ourselves as we are sure that would have an impact on the industry. Waiting for a change to come? So let’s start to love us as we are….hear, hear….:D ;)

#4 kpriss on 03.17.14 at 12:33 am

I did some reading over the past weeks and although I was deeply struggling with personal issues, I’m now learning to overcome them. To love myself and accept myself as I am. And although it sounds so complicated and strenuous, I came to feel that it’s way more easier than I thought. And SO liberating! Hair would be a nice way to start embracing one’s true self. <3

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