Dare To Wear Wood Necklaces?

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We’ve talked about a lot of innovative materials and original designs molded into jewelry pieces. Although my preferences go towards bracelets and earrings, a statement necklace every now and then hasn’t hurt anyone! (wink)

But here I am, wondering if you would really wear a statement necklace made of wood chips. Painted, artistically cut but still hard wood. I know it’s pretty and unusual, but it can also be dangerous. Literally. Especially the pointed chips make me doubt I would dare to really wear these lovely necklaces designed by GBWorkshop’s owner, Gin hailing from Lithuania.

statement painted wood necklace

wood triangle chips necklace

But I’m also known to overreact – I hold the wee ones responsible for my over-sensitive, over-protective side. While I found the necklaces interesting, I really wanted to know your opinion and if you would dare to wear them and, if you would, I’d also like to know the reason behind your choices. For me: it’s a no. I wouldn’t dare. Rounded beads, large or small, I would. But rectangular and fairly thin, even pointed, I wouldn’t. For safety reasons. Your turn! (in case you want to know more about these pieces of other creations signed by Gin, you can find her on etsy, the GBWorkshop)

pointed painted wood necklace

dare to wear the wood statement necklace

1 comment so far

#1 Ellington on 05.14.13 at 8:38 pm

Sure! Why ever not? I am a big fan of wooden beads myself. : )

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