What’s A Mother’s Style?

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I was thinking about this for awhile. It just comes and goes. And with your help, I’m going to make it stay this time.

You know me and from the bits and pieces I’ve slipped here and there, you know many things about my style. And you also know I’m a mother. A happy wife and mother. Which should lower me heavily in the fashion community eyes. Because fashionistas, the real ones, only have eyes and heart (have they? A heart, really?) for fashion. Well. Not this girl here! (the story continues right after the jump)

Heidi Klum with Seal and kids

Some of you, reading these lines, are mothers, some are not (and I hope you may be blessed with this “title”, the day you’d want it to!), but you all have friends, people you know holding that mommies fort. What are they like? Outside if not inside too?

Today I ran into a very saddening article. One which sets us in the dark ages of discrimination. We’re raised to know better than prejudge. We’re raised to do better than pointing the finger at someone else. However, when we’re talking about the tyranny of mothers (young mothers and mothers to be) and their toes-lethal strollers, everything we knew is tossed out the window. (the article can be found here)

Claudia Schiffer school run

True, just like any other forest, the mothers-kind hides some distorted branches, but who are we to judge the majority through the distorted minority perspective? Haven’t we learned better already? Sure, motherhood can bring some unknown challenges for a woman’s body and spirit. Sure, not everyone is ready to fight that unique joy of being part of the life miracle and steady down the enthusiasm (at least in public), but should we forget our manners on that account?

Heidi Klum strollerwalk

I’m thinking about all the joggling mothers out there. Those who weren’t asked if they could do everything they do all day, every day, they’re just doing it because it feels right, because it’s the world for them. Family, career, social life. And a decent, trendy wardrobe on top of that! I dare you, balance all that and keep a zen perspective on life! And everybody else! I may not wear the hottest jeans or the latest shoes, however, I keep a realistic eye on fashion and life and chose whatever fits best in my situation. Yes, I have a special stash of fashionable (and outrageously short paired with outrageously high heels) clothes for going out en amoureux, with my Adored Husband. But that’s my secret wardrobe treasure.

Victoria Beckham high heels with kids

When you see a mother taking her children to school wearing something comfy and down to earth (sure, that doesn’t apply to Posh), would you imagine her as one of you? (who are not mothers yet?) would you, fully aware of the extent of your gesture, embrace her as one of yours? I sometimes get the distinctive, sorrowing feeling that mothers are a bit like aliens. You know they’re there, however, all you pray for is they keep the distance and follow their mad green path. (again, I’m not passing any judgments, I’m just sharing my observations and rants with you) That applies to pregnant women too! They have just been abducted by aliens and they’re like walking zombies. You just have to keep away, never know what privilege they may claim next! Ah, and beware of strollers! The worst kind of alien representation! They’ll mercilessly roll all over you precious Louboutins and leave you in screaming pains as your toes begin to feel the alien weight on your preciously pedicured toenails!

Mothers with Strollers in the park

And again, proof de plus: Motherhood! Uma Thurman’s latest movie about a mother of two trying to keep it together while being a mother was a total flop in the UK. In the opening weekend, only 11 people bought the ticket to see the movie. Yes. you’re reading that right – eleven people watched Motherhood, on its first weekend. How’s that for encouraging? (via 1, 2, photos via 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

Uma Thurman Motherhood


#1 Ellington on 03.31.10 at 4:15 pm

Well I think that being a mother is a good and important job, being a parent is. Some of my friends are mothers and some of their reasons for being and doing things I accept wholeheartedly and admire and some of them I do not. I take it all with a spoonful of sugar or a grain of salt. On a case by case basis.
One thing I cannot and will not abide are mothers and fathers who let their children run amok in a store, restaurant, museum or even church to name a few places.
And the stroller bargers must be stopped! But the are usually the exception and not the rule thankfully! : )
In short I truly appreciate well behaved and loving families, and when looking after the kiddies they can wear whatever is comfortable to them, I by no means expect a runway show.
Have a wonderful Easter and or Passover everyone! :)

#2 Rob Schneider rules on 03.31.10 at 6:49 pm

I guess ‘Motherhood’ isn’t an entertaining/interesting/sexy title for a film. The film should have gone straight to DVD to avoid this kind of embarrassment. I know it’s strange but to me the title itself brings to mind a grey-haired, wrinkled woman – not a yummy mummy. Perhaps they should’ve gone with ‘Yummy Mummy/ies’.

#3 Adriana on 04.01.10 at 6:24 am

I’ve not that much to add to what Ellington and RSr already said!

But: in the Netherlands we all peddle on our bikes. So these days we’ve a huge bike parking problem besides too many cars and the traffic situation. Mothers needed a second car to drive their children everywhere. :rollseyes:
The hot thing since some years are the bikes for parents: a bike with in car in the front for their little children. They park them everywhere and drive on paths for the walkers!!! These bikes are mostly ride by the more educated and fashionable people strange enough. I want them to…..eh, go away with those things!! (I scream sometimes to those people and see then these shocked children faces….awwww…..ouch……)

There are lots of films and books about motherhood I do enjoy and have enjoyed. But this film doesn’t look inviting. The poster looks terrible! Who wants to see that? Films are for entertainment even it’s about struggle. That’s the reality. I loved struggling mother Erin Brockovich, a strong mother. That film had in fact two themes as I noticed by re-watching it.
Some mothers do also alienated
themselves by talking only about their brood and nothing else. And that “Motherhood” poster is a typical example of that “mother alien” thing.
Further I do think that not only mothers but lots of other women think the same about dressing up or not to dress up. Do you think that I sit here all dressed up to the nines at my laptop when I don’t go anywhere today? LOLs, no I’m in comfy sports home wear, no make-up and a pony tail. I’ve also a smile on my face: I could be a mother who slip in her sneakers and rush of on her bike with a car to pick up my children from school. it’s that time of the day here in my timezone you see. :D

#4 Adriana on 04.01.10 at 6:25 am

Oh dear, not that much to add……but what’s new? Sorry!

#5 Rob Schneider rules on 04.05.10 at 8:25 pm

Perhaps I saw Erin Brockovich too early in life. I was about 24 at the time and had no empathy for struggling mothers -even if it was based on a true story. Anyway it bored the living daylights out of me. I didn’t think the subject matter was particularly cinematic or A-list Hollywood actress vehicle-worthy.
Kramer Vs Kramer is the best struggling parent movie I’ve ever seen. Everytime I see it, it’s powerful.

#6 Adriana on 04.06.10 at 6:47 am

RSr: at 24 you still couldn’t understand struggling mothers or mothers in general? You couldn’t even give it a try? Well….
Kramer Vs Kramer is about parenthood and divorce and how to cope with it. Yes, indeed a great film. Alas that’s a film from another era when people where still interested in films like that. Erin Brockovich was not particularly cinematic or an A-list Hollywood actress vehicle-worthy? Excuse me? Anyway, Julia Roberts got her Oscar for her “not-A-list-worthy-part”!
I know the film is not about motherhood but Erin is a mother who fights for the rights of families, for mothers, fathers and children. And she dressed herself like she was!

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