Dare To Wear The USB Bracelet And Necklace?

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I have an idea: why not make it a quick – finds Friday? I keep stumbling across amazing things on the interwebs each and every day and sometimes (almost every time) I don’t get to share because … I lack time or inspiration to write the right words.

Today I’m trying to do different, you with me? Let’s go! The USB Bracelet sounds like a great idea since (at least we, in the Frizz household) started dissing CDs except for xbox or movie dvds. They just don’t feel reliable any more. USB keys are the next logical step. That’s why I would definitely dare to wear this silver and gold metal, 2GB drive available in more colors here. (oh, and just in case – you can match it with a Swarovski Crystal USB heart that goes on a necklace!

great gift idea USB bracelet

great gift idea USB necklace

great for gadget loving people USB key bracelet Swarovski crystals USB heart necklace usb pendant heart

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