Shoes Go Natural – On Pedder Advertising Campaign

Today I came across some interesting pictures in the form of an advertorial for a shoe store from Hong Kong.

On Pedder was established in 1996 and is completely committed to luxury. However, money spending isn’t really the point of my article (this time). The visuals of their Spring Summer 2008 campaign is the main focus of my writing.

Maison Martin Margiela Split Fabric Sandal

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Patch My Bag Vs Parrot Lookalike Contest

Is there a new trend for the rich and bored? Like … “oh, look, my things look too put together, maybe if I’ll tear them here and there and then stitch them up together? Oh, wait? Can’t someone do that for me? Like a designer, or whatever….?”

Chloé Saskia Patchwork Pouchette. For only $1,560 you get a ….well… something that looks like a clutch and resembles nothing at all (if it had more colors, I would have proudly compared it with a parrot…).

Chloe Saskia Patchwork Pouchette and Fendi Rainbow Clutch

Aaaand, for the special super price of $1,950 you can get a Fendi Rainbow Clutch that looks like a… kindergarten handwork made from old boots or a leather vest you wanted to give away for charity. I look at it and still don’t get the name-connection. Who has ever seen a rainbow that ugly, raise your hand, please! (and watch out for the kiss blogosphere too! I think they might have a scoop on the bi-colored-rainbows)

Bad Taste Superheroes Ready To Save Us All

There’s a new superhero breeze hitting the shores of the world. Like someone in the film industry knew how insecure the system gets day by day…

Anyway, if superhero trend supporter Anna Wintour doesn’t convince you with the upcoming Met event, if Gwyneth Iron Man.. ahem Gwyneth and the Iron Man don’t work wonders on your wrinkles as shown in Vogue, maybe brit wonder Sienna Miller will. At least her superdeeds are set to appear in 2009 with G.I. Joe movie currently filming.

Sienna Miller G.I. Joe
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Julianne Moore Covers Vogue Paris May 2008

When hearing about who’s going to cover Paris Vogue May Issue, I expected a discreet but glacial-looking Julianne Moore. Because that’s her way.

After her Harper’s Bazaar appearance, I was even certain that it’s going to be a soft-looking, normal freckled redheaded modest into her forties woman. I was sooooo wrong! Not only her usually small eyes were completely changed by the makeup and her face worked wonderfully with the hair updo, but the t-shirt and the leopard-print accents were just the thing missing there to add a little pepper to the scene. Of course she had her Photoshop rejuvenating session, but nothing as sick as Gwyneth’s little wax-dippediron-figure in US Vogue.
Isn’t it refreshing to see a (even so) normal Julianne Moore? Carine, chérie, you’ve done it! Thank you Mario Testino for the charmingly warm Vogue Paris with Julianne Moore!

Julianne Moore Vogue Paris May 2008
(via tfs)

Harajuku Vs Cosplay – Japanese Fashion Faceoff

It seems Harajuku was actually promoted by Gwen Stefani as a prototype for Japanese street style culture.

Under many names and resulting from numerous inspiration sources, the Japanese fashion sense couldn’t have been imported as such because it would have been too complicated for the average style consumer from the non-japanese-world.

Japanese Cosplay Style Character
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Haute Paper Couture – Jennifer Collier Garments

Many designers work over their heads to create something original. White nights and stressful seasons to create daring patterns and innovative accessories.

Some work with fabrics. And not in the conventional way. They too work tremendously to put together art objects in the true meaning of the word. Fashion for the eye and the spirit and not so much on the material side in us.
Jennifer Collier creates dresses and shoes from unusual materials – paper, tea bags, letters through weaving, waxing, stitching, laminating.

Jennifer Collier Unique Creations
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Friday Break – Jeux d’Enfants – La Vie En Rose

I know I’m usually playful and cheerful every Friday Break. Today, nevertheless, you’d have to indulge me for a special anniversary – mine and my husband’s.

It’s a video you can easily consider a spoiler because it shows the main plot and the idea behind the film, so if you haven’t seen it yet, I strongly advise you to. The only regret I have is that this very inspired put together clip, is in Italian. I would have preferred the original French version… Anyway, happy anniversary to us! Let us enjoy it with you!

Audrey Tautou Chanel No.5

You know, the word in the industry is that the Chanel No.5 face has been replaced. No more Nicole Kidman. The future in under French charm. Audrey Tautou – you may find her more familiar under the name “Amélie” from the Fabuleux destin d’Amélie Poulain, Jean-Pierre Jeunet’s film (said to be the one directing the upcoming Chanel No.5 Ads too).

I look at this girl and then it suddenly hits me – she’s perfect for the Chanel No. 5 Ads! All the women of the world put together, you can hardly find more sterile femininity than Nicole Kidman’s (or Keira Knightley’s or Kate Moss’s for the matter, but unfortunately, they’ve made Coco Mademoiselle, so I can’t get into it … momentarily). Ok, maybe except for Claudia Schiffer’s (but that wax goddess too is another story). Anyway, my idea is that more Karl grows older, more his eye for feminity decrepit and thus he goes from sterile to desert-like-sterile and no wonder he ditches the iceberg – she’s an expectant mum after all, and it’s notorious that Karl doesn’t like children.

Audrey Tautou Images
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