The Fashion Of Giving Birth
May 19th, 2009 by kpriss
As the Brits say it so well: Too Posh to Push is now the official trend for giving birth moms. Be it the healthcare system or celebs testimonials, C-sections fashionably and alarmingly increase in popularity and happenings. Everybody wants to be the Sleeping Beauty (too bad they forget how poisonous the apple really is!) (Jezebel, photo via)
Issues, Motherhood, Quick Links, Unstyle
Eva Longoria’s Atelier Versace For Cannes 2009
May 19th, 2009 by kpriss
…was one of the most amazing dresses I’ve ever seen on the Red Carpet! I checked and doublechecked Imdb’s Bright Star cast and haven’t seen her name on the cast list, so I’m forced to conclude that the only reason Eva Longoria was there (for the Bright Star screening) was to throw this Atelier Versace number right in our faces!
And what an incredible number that was! Glittery grey (weighting a ton because of all that fabric that went into it) the Atelier Versace dress she had on would’ve been the dream of any princess of any fairytale, let alone the outmost Glam of Cannes 2009. I know I said so much about the dress but so little about Eva: that’s because I believe a dress like that would’ve looked better on a taller princess. What say you? (more pictures after the jump!) (photos via)
Follow Louis Vuitton On Twitter!
May 18th, 2009 by kpriss
louisvuitton_US is the name, Twitter is the game! Louis Vuitton just joined the world’s most fashionable online community: Twitter. Rumor has it that if you’re not on Twitter, you don’t really exist. Sad but true: Twitter is the new e-it.
More and more celebs and notorious personalities (or institutions) join Twitter with each passing day so I have to ask, Marc, what took you so long? And that’s not all! They just launched a new bag exclusively online! Given their recent restriction to LV online shopping only on, it only comes as a natural progression that they give e-commerce what it really deserves! (the bag is called Totally Monogram and it’s one of those rigid LV canvas totes that’ll make the delight of counterfeiters around the world!). Will you follow LV’s tweats? (via, photochopping courtesy Stylefrizz)
Brooke Shields, Cougar For Kurv Magazine
May 18th, 2009 by kpriss
Last I wrote about Brooke Shields, she was wearing Crocs on the Red Carpet! Now she’s playing cougar for the Australian Magazine Kurv.
At first I didn’t recognized her, but on a closer inspection, underneath all that latex/leather/pvc and brunette wig was really Brooke Shields! It’s a pleasure to see women in their 40s posing for magazines (in such daring shoots)! (the story continues right after the jump with more pictures!)
Celebrities, Featured, Magazines, Unstyle
Cameron Diaz Does Vogue In June 2009
May 17th, 2009 by kpriss
There’s so much it could be done when having a fashion magazine at your disposal! Imagine the beauties and the unbelievable things you’d put in those pages, month after month!
Still, you’d have to consider that there’s more to it than meets the eye and a magazine has to survive. Financially. Hence, Cameron Diaz covers Vogue’s June 2009. By Mario Testino! (the story continues right after the jump with more pictures and a video!)
Celebrities, Magazines, Unstyle
Tilda Swinton Wears Black Lanvin In Cannes
May 17th, 2009 by kpriss
There’s something about Tilda Swinton and Lanvin. They should really consider her for an advertising campaign, she’s so much into Lanvin, she’s wearing a Lanvin with every Red Carpet occasion she gets!
And now she just had her black Lanvin dress out for Cannes 2009! (for the opening of the Cannes Film Festival, she had a purple Haider Ackermann) There’s nothing special about this dress she had on (if not for the blouson-adaptation à la Angelina, but who are we to judge?). But I have to ask what happens when you take an ordinary dress and put it on Tilda? Doesn’t it get an instant spritz of personality? (photos via)
Celebrities, Dresses, Events, Unstyle
Easy Sunday Wish
May 17th, 2009 by kpriss
Our friend, Adriana, sent me the most unbelievably funny e card for Mother’s Day! (thanks, Adriana!) I couldn’t miss the opportunity to brighten up your Sunday with a smile, so I’m sharing that card with you!
In my opinion, even if a picture’s worth a thousand words, sometimes the right message can boost a photo that could be the perfect recipe for an easy Sunday moment! I hope you had a wonderful, peaceful weekend and you’re ready for the great week that’s about to start!
Easy Like Sunday Morning, Unstyle
The Lemonheads Ft. Kate Moss Dirty Robot
May 16th, 2009 by kpriss
She’s no stranger to everything rock, but Kate Moss really made the headlines recently when her latest musical achievement was released: The Lemonheads Dirty Robot has Kate Moss inside!
The Lemonheads new upcoming album is called Varshons and besides being glamed-up by Kate Moss for Dirty Robot, there’s also Liv Tyler singing on Leonard Cohen’s cover “Hey, That’ No Way to Say Goodbye”. There’s something so strange but so interesting about models singing. Or doing something different other than modelling! Actually, after listening to both songs, I’d say they’re not so bad! You can listen to Kate Moss’ Lemonheads Dirty Robot towards the end of Dazed Digital’s May Playlist and Liv Tyler’s Lemonheads That’s no way to say goodbye here. So, how about it? (via, photo via)