Fancy Some Pret-A-PorTea?

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Tea Party’s series made by the Germans from Donkey Creative Lab is so smart and funny, I would most certainly become a fan!

Being a heavy tea drinker myself, I missed the challenges of a really original packaging. Yes, you have so many flavor choices, but when it comes to packaging it’s either the raw tea leaves or the same old hanging tea bags. Donkey Creative Lab’s idea was to transform your tea cup into a tea bath with tea bags as your personal invites. The Tea Party series is declined in significant categories: the Cup of Fame, the DemocraTea, the RoyalTea, the Pret-a-porTea, the Genious & InsaniTea, the Zoo ParTea and so much more! Check out the Kaiser’s cup of tea (right after the jump!)! Isn’t he something? (Donkey via tJB)

Pret a porTEA tea bags

Pret a porTea Karl Lagerfeld tea bag

PiraTea Princess of the Tea tea bags

pret a porTEA tea bags 1 pret a porTEA tea bags 2 pret a porTEA tea bags 3


#1 Ellington on 05.08.10 at 1:35 pm

Ha! Now this kind of whimsy is something I could really get into!
I love this! The Kaiser tea looks like he is sitting in a hot tub tea cup. :)

#2 Adriana on 05.09.10 at 8:01 am

Fun! I’d check out the other options and loves this idea. Though I’m such a snob who likes to make “real tea”….ahem….:”>

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