Tilda Swinton’s W Magazine August 2011

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Amazing. Really. Truly. Amazing. And that’s also because of Tilda Swinton, biensur! (joking!) Tilda on the cover of W Magazine August 2011! You may feel a bit disappointed with the seemingly impersonal cover, however, you may want to hold back your fashhammer and unfold the magazine!

There’s pure magic inside! As photographed by Tim Walker. So that’s why I was saying that it was partly Tilda’s doing! Don’t miss the rest of the images after the jump! (click here for the gallery!)

Tilda Swinton W Magazine August 2011 cover

I often asked myself if offbeat people can only live offbeat existences, in their fancy offbeat homes, wearing their spectacular offbeat clothes, shoes and accessories. Tilda seems to be one of those offbeat characters who can’t miss even if she chops off her hair with a plastic knife. Now getting back to Tilda’s W Magazine magic enhanced by Tim Walker. It’s great what they managed to do together. It’s very far from your usual celebrity magazine pictorial but in the same time so very Tim! (there’s a fragment of interview you may want to read here)

Tilda Swinton August W

Tilda Swinton W Magazine August 2011

Tilda Swinton W August 2011 by Tim Walker

Tilda Swinton W August 2011

Tilda in white for W Magazine Tilda Swinton by Tim Walker W Tilda Swinton W August 11 pictures


#1 mdinah on 07.12.11 at 8:50 am

Fashion and photography at its best.

#2 ajginger on 07.12.11 at 9:05 am

The Thin White Duke!
Beautiful photography though.

#3 Ellington on 07.12.11 at 1:24 pm

YES!! Tilda does bring to mind Bowie! The Thin White Duchess!
She is amazing! : )

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