Blooming Time

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I was looking around for interesting things to share with you and it hit me: when was the last time we had a Happy Hump day delight? Too long ago!

Please join me in admiring one of the most beautiful things around at this time: a peony flower! It’s their season it would appear and I’m most thankful for this Peony Flower timelapse for it’s truly an amazing sight to see! Let’s take a moment out of our day and enjoy the miracles of Nature! Isn’t this beautiful? (Stengel Film via)


#1 Ellington on 05.25.11 at 3:00 pm

This is lovely! I love peonies! They are one of my favourite flowers and my mothers garden is full of them!
Thanks ever so for this Kpriss! : )

#2 ajginger on 05.26.11 at 4:06 am

I love them too, they are so beautiful! I tried to breed some in my garden once but I did not succeed as well as Ellington’s mom. No, I had only like five ‘pioen rozen’ and they looked a bit sad but I still love them lol! First try though. :)

(Is ‘jealous’ at Ellington’s mothers garden ;) )

#3 kpriss on 05.26.11 at 6:33 am

These truly are exquisite flowers! Fascinating and gorgeous! I’d love some for our garden too! Luckily it’s a work in progress so maybe we’ll squeeze some for next year?

@Ellington I hope one day we’ll get to have a beautiful garden too, like your mother’s! Wonderful lady she is, she did such an amazing job with you, I’m sure her garden is just as beautiful as you are! :*
@ajginger – we’re having troubles with the jasmine – the leaves look “sad”, just like you said! I cross my fingers and hope it won’t die on us!

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