Penelope Cruz In Red L’Wren Scott Dress For 2011 Oscars

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Talking about moms to be got me right to Penelope Cruz. And no, she’s not expecting again! Au contraire, she just had her baby and she’s looking marvelous!

Penelope Cruz chose a red L’Wren Scott dress for the 2011 Oscars Red Carpet. Part of the Spring Summer 2011 collection, the dress added even more sparkle to Penelope’s happy glow! She was holding hands with her husband and father of her child, Javier Bardem. And what a gorgeous couple they make! They look so happy together, don’t they? (more images right after the jump, click here for the gallery!) (photos via 1, 2)

Penelope Cruz red l wren Scott dress 2011 Oscars

Penelope Cruz red L Wren Scott Dress 2011 Oscars

Penelope Cruz Javier Bardem 2011 Oscars

Penelope Cruz red L Wren Scott dress 2011 Oscars 1 Penelope Cruz red L Wren Scott dress 2011 Oscars 2 Penelope Cruz red L Wren Scott dress 2011 Oscars 3


#1 ajgingerbelle on 02.28.11 at 8:37 am

I bet it wouldn’t have matter what Penélope wore: these two would have looked happy and a joy to watch anyway. I love Penélope’s mommy b**bies too. :D

#2 Ellington on 02.28.11 at 7:45 pm

I do not care for the dress but it does not matter she is a happy and it shows and that is the best! :)

#3 keiko on 02.28.11 at 11:27 pm

Penelope & Javier can do no wrong – IMO. I like how her hair is natural & left flowing.

#4 ajgingerbelle on 03.01.11 at 9:02 am

Is b**bies also a no-go word? I wasn’t aware of that. It sounds so cute in my foreign ears……

#5 mdinah on 03.01.11 at 2:46 pm

can we say “teets” instead of b**bs, or is it forbiden too??

biutiful ones, indeed!!

#6 keiko on 03.01.11 at 4:00 pm

Teets? I think you meant either teat (means nipple) or t*ts (slang for breast). Boobs is another slang word for breasts. Either word can be used – it just depends how ‘sensitive’ you are. One would probably not use slang when speaking with elderley relatives, your boss or in a situation where you’re trying to impress.
But I like slang – it is informal, fun & easy – IMO.

#7 kpriss on 03.01.11 at 4:17 pm

oh, biutiful, that’s the word!

As for her mommy enhancements, you’re right, they’re just perfect! ;) slang or no slang.

#8 mdinah on 03.01.11 at 5:12 pm

at keiko: i meant t*ts, but i suspected it was forbidden word, as b**bs..
then the edition: teets

#9 ajgingerbelle on 03.01.11 at 6:26 pm

When we (Dutch) say ‘ies’ at the end of a word it’s meant as nice, lovely, sweet etc.
It’s international Stylefrizz-ing here and so sometimes we’re lost in translation. So Kpriss yes these b**bies they are biutiful indeed! :D :*

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