A Fashion Designer’s Ideal Woman: Bill Blass

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You may think that this is all about shapes and size, but no, it’s far from it! I recently discovered a statement from Bill Blass describing what he liked and disliked in a woman. And, to my big surprise, it was a perfume ad, in fact!

Anyway, notice there are only 9 dislikes and 10 likes. While worrying about keeping it short and concise, and respecting the layout, Bill Blass made some interesting points, even for the 80s. Come take a closer look and tell me what you like and dislike yourself! (via)

Bill Blass Ideal Woman


#1 ajgingerbelle on 02.22.11 at 1:09 pm

I dislike men who talk with a cigarette in their mouth looking grumpy. That was the case yet in the 80’s. He definitely dislikes me :D

#2 Diane Bradford on 05.31.14 at 3:51 am

This was also a tv ad that I thought chauvinist what did a rich man know about what it took for a woman to get ready to go out? As I got older I learned what he was talking about I wake at 5:30 get dressed so that I am ready for anything

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