Blogaround The Clock!

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Just imagine this week’s blogaround is a day of your life. With breakfast, lunch, dinner and (relaxing) after hours. Enjoy your blogaroun’day!

For breakfast you have to start the day with a smile so you might want to check out some funny fur boots (doesn’t that remind you of the Tom Ford furrrrbootie?) …

Pete Wentz black fur boots For lunch you could consider a touch of Vogue with a huge plate decrypting the scandalous rumor about Anna Wintour being kicked off her kingdom. To sweeten up your rumors digestion, have a Roberto Cavalli bling-gorgeousness!

For dinner do consider a healthy tutorial about spending less and creating more interesting looks with your stock of “alreadypretty” necklaces!

Talking about afterhours: go glamorous with a sparkling jacket like Jessica Alba’s golden sequined blazer and complete your look with a fabulous updo! (photo via thatshideous)

1 comment so far

#1 Adriana on 01.24.09 at 2:57 pm

I really like “Already Pretty” and to visit it. Sal is doing a great job.
If you read this Sal: I love the red dress with the four black buttons, simple but so effective. You’re a gorgeous natural woman to me!

(Best of this weeks Blogaround.)

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