Smile Around The Blog!

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Yep, it’s that time again! All gather round, here’s what I got for your pleasure: blog-candies, spirit-sweets, fash-crème, nothing but blogosphere goodies for your eye, mind and heart!

Behold! let the smile session begin! Enter the Blog House Of Smile, please mind the doormat! You won’t find another like it!

Surprises await, people having fun, look: Rachel Weisz and Rinko Kikuchi having a smiling good time with the Brothers Bloom!

And models do have fun, even when serious matters are at stake! Climate change? Politics, anyone?

Vintage Louis Vuitton

Models taking off their clothes was not proof enough your eco-conscience is a fun loving one? Then here’s proof de plus that recycling can be surprisingly amusing!

Fashion is for the witty! Don’t take the fashion lane if you don’t have your smile on!

And ad the right music, played with the contemporary-right instruments!

keep in mind that whatever you do, Darth Vader does it too! And it’s not always easy for him!

But he doesn’t have that smashing smile to work around! You know you got it! Look at Sal? Can you honestly see beyond her Already Pretty smiling head?

I bet she’s got this camera to take the pictures! Can you hold back the funny face with this funny camera?

Find out what makes you smile and keep it closer. Fingertips-closer!

And keep staring at what makes you smile, not at that AP Sharon Cardigan!

Just smile, fashion, like everything else, doesn’t last forever!


#1 Sal on 10.26.09 at 5:50 am

Awww, doll, thanks for the shout-out! You are too sweet.

#2 Adriana on 10.26.09 at 7:15 am

A penis cardigan? Right. Though I know how to make fun with it :D
The idea of the cell-phone music is really great but I think I don’t smile anymore after 15 minutes. All these cell phone sounds drives me nuts already. I can’t even stand my own! The recycling instruments makes me smile because my granddad made such things and then he looked so peaceful and so sweet and I felt so safe…. But nothing last forever so I hope there will always be smiles likes Sal’s around. Gosh, every time I open her blog I start to smile. Now I wonder if Sal smiles all the time? Amazing! What a lovely blog that is……:)

#3 Ellington on 10.26.09 at 6:31 pm

Nice blog around Kpriss!
Loved Sal’s “Already Pretty”! It is a darling blog! :)
As for Vader’s everyday photo thing I cry false! Everyone knows that Lord Vader waits for no one and is too busy and powerful to deal with the everyday minutia! ;)

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