Charming Blogaround Bits And Pieces!

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Whenever you feel like strolling around the blogosphere, here’s a little guide for your ever stylish self!

There’s not a particular theme for today’s Blogaround. Consistency and quality don’t go together well in the fashion blogosphere. Anyone knows style and everyone is fashionable. So from the bits and pieces of quality fashion blogosphere, here goes today’s blogaround, as usual, carefully handpicked for your delight! (photo via chicintuition)

Losne Necklace

Have some of Opi’s Vodka and Caviar for your journey, it’s still hot this season, especially with the Holidays just around the corner!

And put your best shoes on, the journey’s highly fashionable!

Keep a comfy flat shoe close, you don’t want your heels to keep you from making the best from this journey!

Oh! And you might want something bright for the blogosphere stylish trip…

And if you’re thinking about getting a rest after all that blogging up and down, take a supersuper-magazine to relax the style out of you!

I hope your journey was highly fashionable and most stylish, and that you’ll be back for your next Blogaround!


#1 Hapsical London Fashion Blog on 11.06.08 at 10:48 am

I’m so honoured to be featured here.. when I first started blogging I asked for feedback about my blog and several people said “don’t bother starting another fashion blog, there’s only one which is worth bothering with which is Style Frizz” which really says something :)

THANKS so much x

#2 kpriss on 11.06.08 at 3:25 pm

You’re too kind, I’m glad you started blogging! I really enjoy reading your posts!

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