Found these. Couldn’t help it. They’re so lovely and so uneasy to digest in the same time, you have to give it at least a look.
So it’s about Karl Lagerfeld (what isn’t about him, these days? He’s restless, he’s everywhere, he’s Karl!), it’s about art and it’s about fashion. The Fake Karl/Church of Karl Lagerfeld spawned an entire series of products to fill your wardrobe, your kitchen, your walls…and your dog’s wardrobe, your baby’s necessaire. Well, needless to carry on the small talk, let’s get down to images! You have more photos right after the jump! Feel free to speak your mind about these products and vote in the poll following the images! Demode? Or Chic? (source via apartmenttherapy)

Yes! Now that’s funny!
I would love to use one of those tote bags for shopping or carrying books. Something everyday and mundane inside a bag with the fantastic Kaiser on it! : )
These products are part of my blog, hmm?
I can’t vote! I can’t vote for “fun”! That’s what I think they are……
Now you can, Adriana ;) !
Fake Karl Lagerfeld – well done, then! It’s a great idea!
Ellington, that’s what I thought too! That it would be great to wear the Kaiser tote for everyday’s groceries! So chic!
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