Fierce Moody Mamas By Christian Siriano

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I’ve ignored the Siriano subject for some time now but I just can’t do it no more! He just announced a maternity line for spring 2009.

And if you think that’s alright, that there’s not enough maternity clothing out there (something that wouldn’t make a pregnant woman feel like a sack of potatoes), just hear the rest: he joined Moody Mamas for this project, two lady friends of his. All normal, right? Only Marta Abrams and Elise Rosemarin aka Moody Mamas never had a baby of their own – meaning they were never pregnant. As for Christian he is a man (gay, I give him that much, but nevertheless a man). (more after the jump)

Christian Siriano Fierce Moody Mamas Collection

Christian Siriano Fierce Moody Mamas Maternity CollectionI know you don’t necessarily have to be a woman to design women clothes (or a man to design men clothes), but being pregnant is something rather unique and special in a woman’s life.

She changes from day to day during 40 weeks, how possibly could three persons who never experienced such a blessing claim to assure her perfectly comfortable and feminine maternity wardrobe?

(via source)


#1 Adriana on 08.19.08 at 3:22 pm

Hmm, they can’t and it shows! How? They wouldn’t have showed these drawnings with these very high wedges! Not really comfortable while being pregnant….?

I loved it that the maternity look seemed to have dissapeared for a while and you saw these “happy bumps” as I called them walking around proudly and nice dressed and of course on comfartable but great shoes!

#2 drwende on 08.19.08 at 4:56 pm

Aside from the wedges:

1. The gal in the flowered dress seems to be carrying her baby bump in back.

2. The yellow dress is just plain going to make a girl look fat, dropping fabric off the bust that way.

3. Why do the models seem to be flat chested? Pregnant women typically put on weight in their chests.

4. No way is that underskirt on the fringed dress feasible. If it hangs straight at month 9, it’ll have been this straight, gawping, dangling, gathered thing at month 6.

5. That coat — remind me where the designers think the bump goes?

Do these designers even have friends who’ve been pregnant?

#3 Dolly Bird on 08.20.08 at 1:13 am

Why do designers always want to hide the bump?Adriana’s right about the ‘happy bumps’.Just because Angelina Jolie has had her twins doesn’t mean maternity clothes have to go back to the camouflage syndrome.Like kpriss I wonder how on earth do 3 people who’ve never had children could possibly know how it feels like and tackle swollen feet in those red wedges they suggest in the sketch!

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