Nina Ricci Heelless Shoes Vs Phylea Shoes
February 5th, 2010 by kpriss
As I feared before and shared the cold sweat of terror slowly pouring down my spine, I’m at it again: my latest fashero quest! And that is finding the line between fetish and the new fashion. Because, unless you’ve been living under a rock, you already know that fetish is the new trend.
I’m an amateur fashion (& more) critic in my own way and I speak with words of worrying naturalness and normality about the catwalk ways of many design gods, without thinking about the freebies and the first row invites. Laying eyes on the latest fashion pictorial highlighting Phylea shoes red-alarmed me on the spot. Nina Ricci’s heelless shoes marked the threshold where fetish ended and couture started. (the story continues right after the jump with more images! Click here for the gallery!)
Accessories, Issues, Shoes, Trends
Would You Fancy McFancy?
February 4th, 2010 by kpriss
Trying too hard to blend fashion and food, McFancy is all smoke and mirrors. Just because you’ll take your ordinary rat and put it in a golden cage doesn’t necessarily make him a chinchilla. Except in the fashion industry. There it’s all about pretending.
Pretend the most and you shall have the spotlight! McFancy is a daring concept brought to us by Access Agency, specialized in helping brands in being different. (the story continues right after the jump, don’t miss the rest of the McFancy images!)
Dare To Wear Rebekah Frank’s Metal Jewelry
February 3rd, 2010 by kpriss
There’s something about evolution that makes these most unusual jewelry pieces highly understandable and ordinary by fashion standards.
Rebekah Frank is a fancy metalsmith. The kind you don’t want to mess with! The Gaga kind. Only in artsy krafty way! Click through to discover Rebekah’s wonderful (scary, true, but still beautiful) creations! (click here for the gallery!)
Dare to wear, Featured, Jewellery
Fashionable Gadget Le Male USB Stick By Jean Paul Gaultier
February 3rd, 2010 by kpriss
Now that’s something I didn’t see coming! Jean Paul Gaultier’s Le Male turned into a USB stick!
Wait, there’s more! Not only this looks like JP Gaultier legendary perfume, but it also smells like it! You plug Gaultier’s Le Male USB Key and you’ll feel the mythical scent slowly filling up the air. There’s no word whether this very special gadget is still available (it came with the perfume during last’s summer sales, in selected Boots stores), but I think it’s a brilliant idea for fashionable geeky people. Wouldn’t you buy a gadget that smells like your favorite fragrance? Or the fragrance of someone you love? (KRC via LaEM)
Designers, Fragrances, Stylish Gadgets, Unstyle
Fashion People, Pretentious People
February 3rd, 2010 by kpriss
There’s much about fashion and everything around it making me cringe and hope for better days. I’m not the only one, it seems… RuPaul recently explained why she/he doesn’t do Fashion Week. How about you?
“I cannot stand the people. I think the fashion people are so nasty and so pretentious. One thing that I am not is pretentious and I cannot stand pretentious people. I love fashion, love color, love texture, love all of that. But all of the people who surround that are rot-ten.” (via, photo via)
Celebrities, Unstyle, Wisdom Without Moderation
Safari Break
February 3rd, 2010 by kpriss
There’s something about these photos that made me stop and stare for a long time. Therefore I decided you should try and stop. And stare. And think.
Undoubtedly viral already, this wonderful group photographs show few cheetahs and a baby impala playing together. Harmlessly, ideally, lovingly having a good time together. I’ll let the images do the talking instead of going on and on about how this got to me. So, what do you think? (click through to see more of this unbelievable scene, click the pictures to see larger images!) (tDM via DbB)
Easy Like Sunday Morning, Issues, Unstyle
Blur Tender
February 3rd, 2010 by kpriss
I’m definitely at heart! And because it pains my good rocker heart that this Friday I totally deprived you of our oh-so-beloved Friday Break, Ima take it to an all new level : the Hump Day Break!
This week (indulge me, please!) I have something so special for you! I reflect all my obsessions on you and it’s not bad at all! I’ve been singing Blur’s Tender for so many hours that the entire house is now on a Tender spree! And that’s so beautiful! I trust you had a wonderful week with me here (I know I did! And thank you so much for that!), a splendid weekend because now we’re already on the roll with a new month, a new week! Let’s have a great time together, like we always do! (more right after the jump, enjoy Blur Tender!)
The Outnet’s Special Marc Jacobs Spring 2009 Collection
February 2nd, 2010 by kpriss
From Stylefrizz’ Inbox goodies straight to you: there’s an exclusive Marc Jacobs sale held by The Outnet. Pieces from the Spring Summer 2009 collection (yep, that’s the Marry Poppins at the Gypsy Fair collection) will be available exclusively from The Outnet with huge discounts of 70% and more.
(what’s The Outnet? It’s Net-a-Porter’s online outlet store. So there’ll be plenty to choose from, even if you didn’t cheer Marc’s SS09 collection! All you have to do is visit The Outnet and see what’s in store for you!)