What Is Fashion To You?

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How do you feel about Fashion? And how is Fashion making you feel? Did you ever take the time to honestly look inside yourself and really find yourself amid all the trends and trending topics? All the must-haves and IT-products, all the must-do lists and don’t-miss stuff?

After all the years I’ve been a freelance fashion writer /journalist /blogger /reviewer /trendsetter /tastemaker /whatever, I took the proverbial time to eat, pray, love and find my fashion self. It took a while, it took many inner conflicts and questioning but I think I got it! Here’s my Fashion Freedom Declaration!

fashion inspiration

I forgive you Fashion for making me feel insecure about my body, my clothes and my preferences!
I forgive you Fashion for making me want another body!
I forgive you Fashion for making me consider anorexia!
I forgive you Fashion for making me forget about my true self!
I forgive you Fashion for making me want to buy more clothes and shoes every new season!
I forgive you Fashion for making me want to throw away all my clothes every year!
I forgive you Fashion for making me wear high heels on pebbled roads!
I forgive you Fashion for making me ride uncomfortable, ugly ‘fashionable’ bikes!
I forgive you Fashion for making me consider useless strollers just because they’re designer-made!
I forgive you Fashion for making me install useless fashion apps on my phone!
I forgive you Fashion for making me wear colors I don’t look good in just because they’re trending!
I forgive you Fashion for everything I did because of you, Fashion!
I forgive you Fashion for everything I did in your name, Fashion!

… and now I’m Free!
I’m free of guilty eating!
I’m free of guilty lazying!
I’m free of guilty wearing last season’s clothes&shoes!
I’m free of guilty shopping new season’s clothes&shoes!
I’m free of blisters!
I’m free of feet pain!
I’m free of uncomfortable bike rides!
I’m free of stupid colors making me look like out of the Walking Dead!
I’m free of body-judgement!
I’m free of patterns mixing pain!
I’m free of volumes matching aches!
I’m free of style insecurities!
I’m free of fashion’s strings!

fashion trends

See also: 10 Fashion Quotes to dress and live by!

You know what they tell you – that it all starts within? Maybe you should expand that not only to your moral status but also to everything you stand for! Not only to what you think or do, but also to what you wear! Fashion is not supposed to be just another golden cage you surround yourself with and imagine you’re more free that way! On the contrary – fashion should enable your personality, your way of life, to go on uninhibited, unrestrained. Forcefully fed with new trends and new musts-do/wear/eat/drink/think, we’re only adding more bars to our golden cage!

fashion rules

Stop imprisoning yourself and free your mind, free your soul, look inside and listen to those voices! You might discover too much at first, too many voices, too many emotions when you first look inside yourself – that’s ok! That’s your inner riot speaking out, acting out, demanding, wanting to be acknowledged. For too long have you repressed your inner self and listen to the outside voices, it’s time you do something for yourself for a change, not just to please others and conform.

fashion is about you

It’s ok to be afraid – it’s your fear, it will help you get better! It will help you feel everything even more intensely – embrace your emotions, embrace yourself, embrace your true personal fashion choices! Free yourself from the fashion golden cage others have imposed on you and fashion yourself Free!

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