4 Reasons Why Wearing Oversized Clothes Changed My Life!

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I can now finally say goodbye to all those lost minutes trying to check out the sizing labels and for the agonizing hours spent in fitting cabins: my perfect size to wear is oversize!

Of course restrictions do apply and not every clothing item can be subjected to that over-rule. However, as my general wardrobe principle, oversize works in most cases and occasions! I’m sharing this personal style discovery because I think you may benefit from this piece of fashion wisdom and get all relaxed, save time and money when it comes to putting together a fitting wardrobe!

how to change your life with your clothes size

There was a time when I was shopping for clothes so tight that I would only find the ‘right’ size in the children’s aisle of a boutique! My, how times have changed!

See also: 10 style quotes to live and dress by!

I’ve always been a waify framed physique. While that didn’t bother me, height did. Growing up, I was the tallest in my class, among my friends, among my colleagues. Tall and thin, I felt un-balanced and odd, like a giraffe in the pool – always sticking out. Sports weren’t always my concern, I’m more of a Pilates kind of gal, going back and forth from dancing to yoga, capitalizing on that thin, waify frame, finding balance in my own structure, in my own way.

oversize grey sweater

With clothing was a bit different, though. Being a size fitting in most clothes, the only difficulties I had when going shopping were in my wallet. Before the Internet era, we would all get our inspiration straight from the stores. Now it’s both easier and harder to draw the shopping conclusions as we’re constantly proposed this or that trend, we’re assured that the rest of our wardrobe is meaningless except for a handful of items we see the rich&famous wearing!

See also: How to restyle your man in just 5 simple steps!

And there are so many clothes to buy! And so many people wearing fabulous outfits! I want that! How can I have it? That was the question I asked myself over and over again before I reached to the simplest of the conclusions:

1. Constant & Permanent Comfort!

Comfort was my answer! I wear comfortable clothes in which I’m comfortable. And the rest just vanishes. Trends? Sure, they’re fun to know, but I know where my place is in those trends: over! I’m over trends. I’m over seasonal Fashion Shows and I’m sooooo over professional stylists (not that I’ve tried any, but it just sounded good to throw in the mix- wink)!

oversize sweater

2. Easier Mixing& Matching!

Because I’m over-sizing my wardrobe, I became so much more self conscious! I did not lose myself in the clothing. I did not oversized myself just because I wear clothes that are two sizes bigger than my normal size! On the contrary! Now I got so much more sensitive to volumes and the way I match my clothing items! Because my wardrobe goes from black to grey with a handful of chocolate, pink and purple splashes, volume was a nice thing to consider, becoming one of the capital factors in my style game and one of the easiest way to mix and match my outfits!

oversize twist sweater

3. Cozy & Active!

Much like many of you, I have an active life and I need to know I can move easily in my clothes, at all time. Taking my over-worn yoga lounge pants to school, picking up the kids was out of the question. I need something I could count on and feel good while driving around, picking up kids, running around town. Roomy clothes save me from the moving stress, keeping me freely active and positive.

oversize black top

4. Concealing & Forgiving!

We all have our days. And I’m perfectly fine with that, it’s my body and my life, the choices I make. And it’s also my choice to not feel guilty the next day when I’m not as lean as I should be to fit in a pair of extra skinny pants! When my tummy isn’t glued to my back as to fit in a skin tight pencil skirt. I just put on my roomy clothes and go on confident and stress-free, ready to take in a new day without thinking about how bloated and uncomfortable I feel!

oversize jeans

I’m happy I took out a massive stress and strain from my wardrobe. Day after day I feel good about myself, about my body and about my clothes. I feel active and ready to sprint, calm and confident. I’m not saying this is the best solution for you, I’m saying it worked wonders for me and if you’re feeling anxious about your wardrobe, it’s time you consider the benefits of oversize clothing.

See also: 10 Style Rules to follow right now!

Once you found a solution that works for you, what ensues is an overall positive feeling, a calm and comforting attitude that is going to be noticeable in both your look and your daily chores! You can do it! (all the pictures of me & my own personal clothing were taken by my Adored Husband and I thank him for putting up with all my ‘modeling’ antics! I love you!)


#1 Adriana V on 05.06.15 at 1:49 pm

I hear you, I hear you !!

The seasonal fashion madness is neither my concern anymore. To be honest? it’s like that for almost two years already. I so hate trends because these trends make it impossible to find a colour that’s not in for the season as an example. This idiocy has become that huge since the influence of the internet has an impact on too many people. Sometimes I wonder which people actually really understand what fashion is other than a brand or label that’s hot. The trend has become another word for style in many occasions. Thank God real style will always remain, but trends will go and finding your own style is indeed comfortable and daring to be more creative. Or just happy, careless and wear what you want.

I am one for comfort too. For other reasons than you Kpriss and its comfort clothes have always been a part of my wardrobe. Younger me could ‘shock’ people with my outdoor. usual clothes, but shocked them even more when they did visit me for the first time at home. As long as I remember I dresses comfortable at home. Not with special dinners or parties of course.

Anyway, I like the style you show off above. It’s still fashionable to me. I would love to see the colours of the flowery jumper, the one with jeans. Further, I do own a skirt like that too. It’s an easy skirt which we can combine with other shoes, even calve high boots or sandals and many tops.
The photos are great as usual. Thanks for sharing your personal story, I like it. :)

#2 kpriss on 05.11.15 at 12:22 am

The colors on the jumper are – as you might expect – white and brown on a black base :-) thank you so much for encouraging me, you of all people know how shy I am ! But at some point, I realized I discovered so many things about fashion and style over the years, that sharing my finds would maybe benefit others too! And who’d be better to support the story if not me? :P

I think too many people take fashion as a purpose in itself. And it’s not. So NOT. The way the industry works nowadays – like many other industries – is to capitalize on our insecurities and make them even stronger. Resulting in an addictive relationship between people and ‘trends’ because – God forbid! – they’d fall behind and be last-season!

ah – and about the skirt (which is a dress – actually – and love that versatile side of it – it’s my beloved Muji dress) – I used to favor longer or much shorter skirt lengths but with this one, I discovered that this is by far the best length !

#3 Katherine on 10.08.15 at 2:15 pm

I enjoyed this post a lot. And while I used to wish I had a waif frame like my mother I have learned to embrace my hourglass and how to dress it. I am guilty of trying to follow trends (low rise on wide hips can be unforgiving) but after I bought mid or high rise pants it changed my life! I can be sexy and fashionable AND modest! Which is important to me raising a daughter. I’m glad to see people are moving toward comfort AND classic as opposed to fly-by trendy. I think I’m finally ready to purge my life of those not-perfect-for-me clothes.

#4 kpriss on 10.08.15 at 11:36 pm

Thank you Katherine! Your testimony to embracing comfort only confirms my suspicions that we live in times governed by marketing more than substantial living values! I was sitting on the floor, crosslegged the other day, trying to come up with something to wear (going out to run some errands and catch a movie with my Husband, later in the evening). And I couldn’t come up with anything other than a dress. The same dress I had been wearing for weeks, for months, on and off, every time I wanted to feel great! (the black mid dress you see above) and I sat there, all sad, looking at all the space in my wardrobe invaded by not-useful things. So many dresses, so many pants, so many tops I didn’t feel comfortable to wear! They’re just taking up space, unnecessarily. Collecting dust and sad nagging when I imagine wearing them.

yeah! Why not purge all that and breathe? I’m going to put together a story about this wardrobe situation! definitely! you inspired me!

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