Going through the latest celebrity pictures, I can safely say that a burgeoning men style trend is about to take over the male population and your call is needed in establishing whether it’s a good trend or a rather ‘meh’ one!
Adrien Brody and Jude Law has been seen adopting this style in two separate occasions, both on the casual and on the formal side of the wardrobe! Starting off with Cannes as it’s the fashion ‘du jour’ with Adrien Brody attending a photo call for his latest movie, Emperor wore a slick grey suit complete with vest but sans tie or bow tie.
The cool factor of his look was declared by his unbuttoned shirt. It’s something we’re all accustomed with, a loosening gesture men and women alike adopt when wearing buttoned shirts. Usually, though, a single button is enough to express the outfit’s cry for freedom. Going deeper with the unbuttoning usually gets by with an ‘ok’ for women. But men? Chest hair in full display while attending formal events?
See also: Adrien Brody and more famous actors on the catwalk!
Jude Law is showing the casual style of chest hair display while out groceries shopping. There have been previous discussions about Jude Law and his outfit choices (notably about a certain pair of jog-like pants worn with a formal vest) but he appears to be highly insouciant about it. The very low v-neck décolleté on Jude’s cotton t-shirt puts an unnecessary strain on his receding hairline (head hair, that is) by showing off his hairy cleavage.
See also: Jude Law and his beard make magazines headlines!
Actually, the men hair chest issue has been a continuous subject of dispute both in and out of haute fashion circles. Some very esteemed and appreciated male actors have been showing their hair chest since the 20s (Errol Flynn’s Robin Hood) the 50s (Marlon Brando’s Streetcar Named Desire), ultimately culminating with Travolta’s 70s Saturday Night Fever.
It was like reaching the Himalaya of chest hair displays as fashion went into chest hair recession until Ford’s Gucci reign. The designer was famous for attending events in very formal wear with really deep unbutonned shirt (waist-deep, that’s how deep!). Since then, the heavage as it was fashionably named has been seen on catwalks and in stores, in formal wear trends and athletic gear collections. From magazines covers to TV screens, men hair chest is there is we stop and become aware of its peaking from underneath dress shirts and cotton Ts. (images getty, INF)

I find this trend odd but then a lot of trends are.
And the open V neck thing reminds me of SNL sketch with Paul Rudd and Andy Samburg. That was funny and creepy to watch.
This new trend will come and it will go. I understand that men have hair on their bodies, and it does not bother me as long as they do not look like they are wearing a mohair suit when they are naked. ; )
(the painting sketch?)
as opposed to taking care of that chest hair like they do of their facial hair (aka shaving it off every morning or so), I think this could be a bit safer and less painful :)
No it was a sketch when they are two guys shopping in a clothing store and one of them tries on a deep v neck t shirt and the other not to be out done puts one on that is even deeper, it gets to the point to wear you see all the way down to their crotches, of course the black rectangle that out. ; )
oh, missed that one! (if you find the video somewhere online, please let me know! I’ve been having difficulties finding it on youtube – thank you so much!)
Errol Flyn was shaved most of times…
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