The House Of Haagen Dazs Proudly Presents Bradley Cooper And His Spoon! Wait, What?

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My dahlings: how familiar are you with Häagen-Dazs and its otherworldly flavored ice cream? I can’t really add words to that name to describe the delight with accuracy. But their latest advertising? Really puts Lagerfeld and his ice cream oddities on a pedestal (and Zac Posen, in comparison, is an ice-cream God)!

They had all the right ingredients, though! And still it went horribly wrong! Bradley Cooper advertising for Häagen-Dazs had immense potential. But I’m not a marketing wizard and I honestly have no idea how they could’ve turned this ad into a brilliant one. Maybe someone has any suggestion? At all? The print campaign, the one below, it’s really not the one you should worry about! The video commercial that you can see after the break is the mind blowing, intelligence insulting moment!

Bradley Cooper ad campaign Haagen Dazs ice cream

One of the oldest tricks in the advertising book and they had to use it on Bradley Cooper! And Häagen-Dazs! I don’t watch TV so maybe because I’m an avid internet consumer, this clip doesn’t appeal to me. Does it appeal to you? I also added a behind the scenes video, I thought I’d understand their approach if I watch that as well. I didn’t. see if you make something better out of it! (one thing, though: have you noticed the wedding ring on his right hand? it was cleverly removed in the print ad, but still visible in the videos!)

1 comment so far

#1 Appollonia on 05.16.13 at 7:01 am

Ah, yuck! I remember the days when we bought Haägen-Dazs without the need of another se><ist commercial!

I believe he's hot isn't he? Well, I can't stop staring at his veneers…..

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