People say that Jourdan Dunn is a very witty, funny person. I have yet to discover that (wink) since I don’t know her in person and silently walking on a catwalk doesn’t help either. Watching Jourdan cook spicy Jerk Pork, however, had me scotched to the screen til the end of her cooking episode. She’s easy to follow, fun and sweet. Also great around the stove (wink). And now I’m soooo hungry! {fashionologie}
What Models Eat: Jourdan Dunn’s Cooking Show
December 5th, 2012 by kpriss | Quick Links, Unstyle
What I hate the most. Touching your hair while cooking. grrrrr
I was so disturbed by that That I couldn’t focus on what she was doing.
I honestly admit I was thinking the same exact thing! How could she ever cook with her hair like that? :* But I said ‘hey, she’s young. and she only has her boy to attend to. It will come, it will come… ” ;)
She looks cute, seems fun and the food is delicious (my mom makes a version of this dish even though we are not Jamaican). : )
The hair thing did not bother me as: a) she is not a chef, b) I do not think she got hair in the food she was making c) she is a model and very pretty and that is consciously or unconsciously something that she is aware of, so looking good is paramount.
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