Congrats To Tom Ford For His Baby Boy Alexander!

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Can you believe it? Tom Ford is a dad! Cathy Horyn spilled the happy news via Twitter when she expressed her congrats. So Tom Ford and his longtime partner, Richard Buckley, welcomed their baby boy Alexander John Buckley Ford! Wwd reported that the boy was born last month, actually (Sept. 23rd, to be more precise). All I can say is: bring on the Baby Ford Collections! {cathyhoryn Twitter; wwd}

Cathy Horyn Tweet about Tom Ford son


#1 Riana on 10.08.12 at 8:34 am

I think this couple is too old to become parents. One is middle aged the other one is an elderly. Tom Ford is 51, Richard Buckely 64 with the older of the two already having suffered cancer (who knows if it might return) isn’t fair to a little one. I find it a selfish act.
Perhaps I would have been more mild if this was an adopted child in need but no, they did use a surrogate mother. What a selfish act!

Sorry, if I ruin someone’s joy about this but this is how I feel about it.

#2 Diyana on 10.08.12 at 12:25 pm

Riana, I’m completely with you with that,
I think they should put a limit of age.


#3 kpriss on 10.08.12 at 8:52 pm

ahem: I think I have a personal joy – thing moment here – and I should share it, so you’d feel my excitement – one of our boys is actually born on September 23rd! And guess what? His name is also … Alexander! so that’s that! Great minds think alike, what can I say? lol

#4 Riana on 10.09.12 at 7:55 am

Kpriss a belated congratulations then to your Alexander and yourself being his proud mom. I love the name, it’s a beautiful name. :)

I stick to my point. But of course I wish that little baby boy Alexander John Buckley Ford all the best and a happy life. May his parents live long and healthy.

#5 Ellington on 10.09.12 at 10:16 am

Yes I agree, Tom Ford and his partner, are too old for this.
And so are Elton John and David Furnish.

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