Helena Christensen’s Home

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Talking about Helena Christensen a while back and her wonderful work (and lots of fun, I’m sure) she had done in the Duran Duran video reminded me of something I was waiting to share for a while already: Helena Christensen’s home!

You know I love the backstages of fashion and what better behind the scenes than some very respectable fashperson’s home? It’s their very foundation, the key to the “real person” outside the fashcraze! And Helena Christensen has this amazingly eclectic apartment filled with treasures and little pieces of history (which she hunted intensively through the world’s thrift shops). What may surprise you to find out is that Helena considers the food to be essential and so she installed the kitchen at the very core of her home, bonus the generous dinner table for all the guests! (hit the jump for more images; click here for the gallery)

Helena Christensen at home

Besides being such an acclaimed supermodel, a mother to her son, Mingus Lucien and a truly appreciated photographer, Helena Christensen is passionate about gardening, considering it as one of the most important things you can you in your life! Traveling the world for her projects (photography, modeling, acting, you name it), Helena still makes time to spend the Holidays with her family, in Denmark. Sooner or later, we’re all going back home. And Helena Christensen’s home is a charming “work in progress”. How do you like it? (All the photos courtesy The Selby)

Helena Christensen home

Helena Christensen apartment

Helena Christensen house Helena Christensen house and puppy Helena Christensen home details


#1 Ellington on 11.21.11 at 12:46 pm

I love the eclectic homey feel of her apartment! : )

#2 Dollybird on 11.22.11 at 7:23 am

Egads! Eclectic can also mean cluttered. As a reformed extreme-hoarder I pity her maid who has to do all the dusting lol. Love the dog :)

#3 Riana on 11.22.11 at 9:52 am

That’s why I love everything Swiffer. The solution for the eclectic or cluttered and every other refurnished home DollyBird! ;)

#4 Riana on 11.22.11 at 5:29 pm

No kidding anymore; I like the house. Doesn’t matter much to me what the style is. It looks warm, cosy, a real home. The kitchen is my favorite part.

#5 Dollybird on 11.22.11 at 6:22 pm

Riana…Swiffer is indeed great. And so is white vinegar. Its a natural cleaner and disinfectant.

#6 kpriss on 11.23.11 at 5:34 am

ah, yes, vinegar and baking soda! I couldn’t do without!

Like you said, whoever keeps all that clutter “in order”, neat and dust free has all my admiration and respect! If I could, I’d keep everything in drawers, beneath closed doors or in cute colorful boxes!

#7 Riana on 11.23.11 at 7:33 am

My granny taught me to use vinegar as a kid. Because we have one for consumption and the other, cheaper, for cleaning. She was scared little me should take a sip since I loved to slurp the rest of the salad dressing….can’t live without both :))

I like bookshelves and nice things around me. And if I could I would have a cat and a dog too. Animals are a great pleasure but one needs to vacuum a lot and to walk the doggie…..:)

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