Sasha Pivovarova’s Vogue Paris October 2011

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Oh, this is beautiful (or it could’ve been so beautiful, depends on how high you set your Vogue Paris expectations… Post Roitfeld, I mean)! Sasha Pivovarova’s Vogue Paris October 2011 cover is gorgeous. Because it involves Sasha. And Mert and Marcus.

I admit I was a bit confused about the blonde-ish spirit of VP, pretty much in Vogue US’ spirit this month and I’m still hoping the inside pictorial will prove there’s still hope for Emmanuelle Alt’s Vogue. Is there? How do you like this October cover? Is it just as cliché as I felt it? (photo via)

Sasha Pivovarova Vogue Paris October 2011 cover


#1 mdinah on 09.16.11 at 2:58 am

and in the news:
“Strange case of loss of common sense affects several fashion editors at once”
All started with fashion dahling Carine Roitfeld months ago who soon after diagnosis was sent to *isolation*, followed by spanish Vogue editor, german Vogue, editrix miss Wintour(who seems to be very resistant) and now french Vogue again.
We hardly recommend you to stay away from magazine stands and in case you already acquire one issue,please incinerate it.Wash your hands with bleach.IMMEDIATELY. We still don’t know how contagious the plague is and how it can spreads in the fashion community.
Online versions are NOT exempt of risk.”

#2 keiKo on 09.16.11 at 7:28 am

Everything about this cover I like – model; model looking like a mermaid; minimal text & finally girly replacing h**ker styling but somehow it is a bit off. But I do think Sasha deserves a cover – so kudos to her.

#3 Ellington on 09.16.11 at 9:08 am

huzzah for the style terrorist! he is back!!! ; )

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