Remember Comic Relief and their Red Nose Day initiative? This charming little video that follows takes you for a ride with the Misery Bear and none the other but Kate Moss. She’s looking great as ever, partying as always only this time… with a twist!
Far into the video we discover something entirely unexpected for both Kate and the lovely Misery Bear. At least she’s not wearing Louis Vuitton, nor is she smoking (oh, and if you think it’s all too strange – remember it could have been worse – imagine if the Misery Bear was a Lagerfeld Teddy Bear?)! (via)
Poor little teddy bear! : (
Everyone was so beastly to him and all he wanted to do was something kind for others.
And Kate turns out to be a super stalker… : (
Well I hope he does not get it but I would pay money to see the part when Misery Teddy Bear bashes a typewriter over Kate’s head. ; )
Aww, poor bear but so well done! It made me laugh; I needed that. :)
Kate has done more for Comic Relief right?
(Never seen the movie Misery because the book only scared the hell out of me! Maybe one day…..eeewwww…..)
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