Oh, Halle, what have you done? We love you and we really know you’re an outstandingly beautiful woman, but this? I mean… it looks like you forgot your dress at home or something!
I know she has a past of risque fashion choices, but Halle Berry‘s stubbornness at showing us she’s got a great body is deceiving. If she would’ve opted for the pink or green camp, her dress wouldn’t have been such a show stopper. She would have blended in. somehow. What do you think about Halle Berry’s Nina Ricci black gown? (more images after the jump, click here for the gallery!)(photos via)
The dress is a shocker but her beauty is spectacular!
Halle girl, I just decided that you and Christina should have exchanged dresses. Or your stylists….whoever….this is too ‘burlesque’ for your own good.
Halle is stunning and she usually always looks fabu! I do not mind this dress per se but it is not outstanding.
I do love her bracelets though! : )
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