I’ve been trying to sum up my daily style (sure, that’s when I’m not covering daily routine chores around the house in my comfy sequin leggings and favorite high heel sandals. Joking, biensur. That’s how you should actually read the above: “in my comfy velour jog pants and favorite cozy socks”). And you know what? Now I can actually illustrate it properly!
Wearing a serious case of the Androgyn Outfit, here’s Rianne Ten Haken (who you might have noticed during the Louis Vuitton defile). Her man pants really make my heart sing with joy. Pairing them with a shirt was the logical solution for a put together look (otherwise you can just throw a plain tee on and the pants will always save the day and steal the look). I don’t know about the tux, that’s what you’ll tell me, by casting your votes right after the image! (altamira)

It’s lovely but these are a bit big on her. They need to be taken in a little.
Loves it. A perfect look for early winter. :)
Love masculine outfits, use them a lot, of course adding feminine touches.
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