Please Travel Light! The Paris Hilton Edition

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Or you’ll end up in someone’s picture, somewhere, and we’ll all be looking at your luggage just like we do now at Paris Hilton’s! She tweeted a picture of herself surrounded by her friends. Slash that – surrounded by her Louis Vuitton cases. She was packing for South Africa. For the World Cup.

While I’m sitting here wondering how on Earth can someone still enjoy a second of time off while in holiday with all that luggage (I have to assume she’s spending at least half her staying packing and unpacking), somewhere on the interwebs someone writes about Paris detention in South Africa. For herbal reasons only. Makes you wonder what she really had packing in those fancy LV suitcases, doesn’t it? (via)

Paris Hilton Louis Vuitton Luggage


#1 Nat on 07.04.10 at 5:56 pm

Just loved the “herbal reasons”.

#2 Adriana on 07.05.10 at 3:22 am

It was not her who was caught with the herbals. It was her friend, as is claimed, who had that joint. So Paris got off the hook and the friend had to pay a small amount of money and the ladies were free to go. So that’s gonna be a lot off work for the American security to check Ms Hilton’s luggage when she returns home. LOL!
OMG the football (soccer) finals are on and the celebs flies in. More so then four years ago. So convenient for those people since the Wimbledon final was yesterday and the very, very cute Rafa Nadal won. As you might know of course. Alas I forgot the name of the $525,000 he had to promote! :D
Paris Hilton loves and understand football (soccer)?? Right.

#3 Adriana on 07.05.10 at 3:27 am

Oohhhhhhh, sorry! I’ve “Oranje koorts” = “orange fever. It’s a nerve wrecking though fun and innocent temporarily madness……

…….Paris looks kinda lonely despite surrounded by that many “friends”….

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