What day is it today, daaaahlings? My, it’s Converse day, biensur! Then again, every day is Converse day, right?
Here’s what I found out for your Converse pleasure today: the latest ad campaign involving the starry sneakers was shot (and imagined) by Todd Selby! Yes, The Selby was in many, many fancy places to photograph smiling Jack Purcells for your visual pleasure! (click through to discover more from the campaign! Click here for the gallery!)
The Selby was in the following places: Charlie Casley-Hayford’s place (son of the father and son duo from Casley-Hayford), Clark James Gable’s place (grandson of the notorious Clark James Gable), Harry McNally’s place (from Pegleg NYC). He was there and he only saw smiling Jack Purcell Converse sneakers. Which he photographed and brought back to us! And if you’re not entirely convinced that the Purcell Converse are really worth smiling at/for, take a look at the Sailcloth Purcell below! What say you? (you can watch the behind-the-scenes video here) (via)
1 comment so far
Love this ad!
And of course I have my Jack Purcell’s they are way nifty! : )
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