Courtney Love’s Vanidad, May 2010

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In a (desperate) move to catch everyone’s attention (and their respective dogs attention), Courtney Love is pretty friendly with the media. I recently read she stated in a radio interview that Gwen Stefani’s husband, Gavin Rossdale, had a extra marital romantic relationship with Courtney. In the light of recent events, I doubt that hardly worries anyone. Bring on the next Gavin flame!

Getting back to Courtney: what caught my eye from her Vanidad May 2010 feature was the very cover! On Vanidad’s cover, Courtney is wearing that wonderful stripey blazer from Givenchy we’d love to have in our wardrobe too! Styled by Avena Gallagher, photographed by David Roemer, Courtney Love seems to live beyond time and space, without being affected by the passing of years. Do you think that might be because of the Givenchy blazer? (more images right after the jump! Click here for the gallery!) (via)

Courtney Love Vanidad Magazine May 2010 cover

Courtney Love Vanidad Magazine 2010

Courtney Love Vanidad Magazine May 2010

Courtney Love Vanidad Magazine May 2010 1 Courtney Love Vanidad Magazine May 2010 2 Courtney Love Vanidad Magazine May 2010 3


#1 Adriana on 05.01.10 at 6:47 am

Why bash Courtney for “seems to live beyond time and space, without being affected by the passing of years”?? Just as all the “gorgeous” women in lala-land do? That might be the answer!

I must be a sort of “desperate dog” that has been to her concert during her last tour. I’ve also bought her last album “Nobody’s Daughter”. It’s not that great but not bad either. In the with Linda Perry co-written “Letter to God” one can get glimpse of Courtney’s desperate soul. The song I heard live for the first time and got me by the throat. I don’t hate her. I shake my head and feel for her she doesn’t seems to get grip on her life ever…..she’s a lost soul I’m afraid.

The photos are great there’s still something about Courtney. It’s a pity and a shame that a gifted person ends up like her.
Gavin Rossdale was once famous for being an adonis. Is he still? Strange couple. Courtney lost her daughter, Gavin don’t want to be the father of his daughter….

#2 Adriana on 05.01.10 at 6:52 am

Oh that jacket! Well, some pieces in fashion are great but seeing them repeatedly on everyone bores me.

#3 Ellington on 05.02.10 at 11:07 am

I just love that jacket!
As for Courtney just I hope that she is well and doing better and that she stays strong. Sometimes I feel really sad for her.

#4 Rob Schneider Rules on 05.03.10 at 6:22 pm

Yay Courtney! Great to see her back!

#5 Rob Schneider Rules on 05.03.10 at 6:30 pm

PS Adriana and Ellington, don’t waste your time feeling sad for someone else – chances are they don’t sit around pitying themselves.

‘I don’t hate her. I shake my head and feel for her she doesn’t seems to get grip on her life ever…..she’s a lost soul I’m afraid. ‘

Truly condescending.

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