Heidi Klum’s New Shoulder Lenght Hair, The New It Haircut For 2010?

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Given I just had a (minor) haircut (you know the kind that keeps you away from split ends), I still have my eyes peeled on anything hair-related. Heidi Klum’s shorter hair had me wondering: is shoulder – length the new 2010 haircut or she’s just relaxing her locks inbetween extensions?

After all, it was for a day at the playground with the kids. She could have sported this laid back look without fear. What do you think? (if the case is – extensions, I never knew she was wearing any. Did you?) Would you wear your hair longer or shorter than Heidi’s? (photos via)

Heidi Klum shorter haircut

Heidi Klum new hairdo


#1 Adriana on 04.12.10 at 7:24 am

I don’t like hair-do’s like this. It’s such a “no-hair-do”? The most boring hair-do there is.

#2 Rob Schneider rules on 04.12.10 at 6:24 pm

Sometimes a boring hairdo is the one that suits someone the most. Look at Goldie Hawn – perfect case of “If it ain’t broke…”

#3 Ellington on 04.12.10 at 8:35 pm

I have had my hair long, medium and short. Natural and relaxed.
I think one should do what they want or wish with their hair, never mind the trends. Do what suits you, your taste, your style and your life! : )

#4 Adriana on 04.13.10 at 8:04 am

Okay ladies. I don’t like this on Heidi though. Anna Wintour is another good example to never change a hair do.

#5 kpriss on 04.13.10 at 8:38 am

some famous people don’t go out unless they’ve been styled and makeup-ed, all dolled up so we, mere mortals sometimes feel out of place with a bad hair day.

In my view, Heidi’s hair was just un-styled that day. I agree with you, Adriana, this is not really a cut, that’s why I was suspecting extensions. Rob Shneider rules does have a point with Goldie Hawn’s undo do, however. But one must have a pretty strong personality to carry out an undo like hers.

I have had, just like Ellington, many hairdos in many ways : short, medium, long, natural (curly – frizzy) to impeccably flat. I grew terribly tired of the flat ironing routine and I gave all my flat irons to my friends. They all went :”are you sure?” and I said yes, I definitely am! No more flat hair for this girl! I’m all natural, wearing my hair as long as it wants (you know those cases of post pregnancies hair loss? they won’t let me grow my hair longer than my shoulders. Ok, maybe a palm down my shoulders, but that’s it).

I have the same hairstylist for 5 years now and she doesn’t do anything except keeping my hair safe from nasty split ends. Which, one day, I promise I’ll do myself! I have such a “classic” face and my life pretty much revolves around my family that I don’t need anything fancy or ever-changing or pretentious.

I actually think a “trademark” cut (or style) is not the worse thing that could happen to someone. It’s for the best. You see that bob, you see those shades. She may be sleeping, but she’s still the grand Wintour, right?

#6 Rob Schneider rules on 04.13.10 at 4:15 pm

I think that’s perfect to go with the flow of your natural hairtype. Blaze the trail! More people need to bin the straighteners – poker-straight hair is getting so tiresome when you see it everywhere.
PS what do you mean by ‘classic face’ – are you trying to admit you think you’re beautiful? haha ;)

#7 kpriss on 04.13.10 at 8:55 pm

lol! Oh, no, far from it! I was just trying to summarize in few words the somewhat normal/average traits of my physique. Some faces go well with an asymmetric cut, with an eccentric line or color. I’m just one of those boring (yet rare nowadays) natural light brown hair with shineless, frizzy, curly hair with no variation in length or cut. How many people do you (still) know living in peace with that kind of hair? All those I know showing similar hair structures have gone either for perm or temporary straightening and or color changing.

#8 Adriana on 04.14.10 at 8:06 am

I realised I’ve almost the same hairdo since the 80’s, besides the one-time perm. I’ve a sort of variety on the same theme so to speak. It’s kinda long now, I need a haircut. I’ve sported a comfy pony-tail all winter longer due to caps and hats and a miss by my hairdresser. Cut my own bangs though all the time and always a sort off different. I’m good at it.
I want a light perm for this summer…..see what the hairdresser has to say about that?
Sometimes I find myself pretty other days I want to hide in cave and never come out off that place ever. I used to think I was pretty and sexy……:(

Kpriss, so you think Heidi’s long hair was never real but extensions or weaves? Jeez, what’s real on these people?

#9 kpriss on 04.21.10 at 7:08 am

I have no idea, Adriana! (If she’s normally wearing extensions or not) I hope it’s her natural hair, though. What’s natural in Hollywood nowadays?

#10 Adriana on 04.21.10 at 8:07 am

Hi Kpriss! I just saw a photo of Heidi where the hair is styled and the colour looks much better. I’ve to say she looks good. She was a darker blond in the early her days of her career too. I read she was guest at Jay Leno’s Tonight’s Show and told him she had enough of the long blond hairdo. That make sense to me.

I think Heidi left the shower, dried her hair comfortable and picked up her kids to get out and play outside?

#11 kpriss on 04.21.10 at 8:24 am

Makes a world of sense! (I never blow dry my hair, I think it’s better when it dries out naturally. Due to the lack of forced ventilation, the water weight adds more structure to the curls simply by the natural ways of gravitation)

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